The Meeting

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"Unfortunately, as I hate doing this"

the man said, "I have to drink some of your blood; it's the only way to be excepted into the castle." "WHAT!!" Chantal said surprisingly, "Well, I'm a vampire after all." "Oh...ok," Chantal said nervously. The man took one of Chantal's arms and bit into the four-arm of it. She was expecting a lot of pain, but there wasn't. There's no pain at all, which was surprising to her. Not long after, he finished slowly and carefully, taking his fangs out of her arm. "Did I hurt you?" He said, looking back at Chantal. ", not at all."
"Oh....well, that's good" he smiled
"the names' Jinxx" he stated. 

Chantal smiled "it a pleasure to meet you, Jinxx. I'm Chantal". "Oh please," still holding on to Chantal's bloody arm, he kissed the top of her hand, "the pleasures all mine, Chantal."
"Now, let's go find your sister. I know exactly where Andy went with her," Jinxx said, weaving his finger through Chantal's, holding her hand firmly. "Wait!!!" Chantal yelled, forcing her hand out of Jinxx's. "I'm scared of that creepy black smoke that appears every time you vampires disappear." Jinxx gave a slit chuckle
"Then put your arms around me." 

"Oh..ok," Chantal said, nervously putting her arms around him.
Before she knew it, Chantal was standing in the middle of a vast living room filled with furniture in every corner of the room. There was an oversized black leather couch where Emmie sat as a man tended to her bloody wound on her shoulder. He was very diligent and sometimes would whisper something that made her laugh. 

Then another man was standing in the gap behind the couch with a paisley pattern bandana tied around his four heads. He was trying to comfort Emmie the best he could.
"Emmie!!" Chantal exclaimed, running over to her. "Oh, I'm so glad you're alright," she said as she sat down on the other side of her. 

Jinxx came walking over and smiled politely at Emmie. "Nice to meet you, Emmie; I'm Jinxx," He said. He then pointed over at the man beside her then to the man behind the couch.
"This is Jake and CC." While looking carefully at Emmie's wound, he said, "And the one who bit you is Andy." Suddenly a gust of wind came out of nowhere and made everyone turn their attention to it. It was Andy and another man viciously throwing punches at each other.
Jinxx, for some reason, let it go on for a couple of minutes then finally, 

He yelled, surprising everyone, including Andy and Ashley. "Fuck you, Jinxx," Andy muttered under his breath as he went to sit beside Chantal, making sure he left a big gap between them.
Ashley when to stand beside CC behind the couch. "Now," Jinxx said in a proud voice
"As you all know, Chantal and Emmie are here to help clean up around the castle; they're not your little blood slaves." 

"However, like humans, vampires have to eat too, so there will be a designated time in the morning and night where the vampire you're bonded with dink a small amount of your blood." He said, looking at the two girls. Chantal spoke, "What vampire are we bonded with?" Jinxx looked at her kindly. 

"Well, the first one that bit you."
Chantal blushed and shyly looked away
Jinxx then continued
"The times are 8 am for the morning feed and 5 pm for the night one".
"Any feed past or before these times are strictly prohibited." Andy rolled his eyes and then spoke in an abrupt tone. 

" Fuck, that's not fair; all that humans will ever be useful for is feasting on!!!".
"Hey Andy," Jinxx yelled above him
"SHUT UP and give that hole in your face a chance to heal!!!". Andy flipped him off before finally shutting his mouth. "I'll now show you, two lovely ladies, to your bed chambers," Jinxx said as he kindly took Emmie and Chantal's hand and helped them off the couch.

Soon enough, Jinxx had led them to a door on the second floor of the castle. There was a plaque on the door that read
'Jinxx/_______.' It had a blank space beside which was confusing to Chantal.
Jinxx chuckled at the way Chantal was looking at it. " *chuckle* you're cute; here I'll fix it."

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