» Betrayal

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"okay, ill get chance, you get anthony." i told jake as we reached the boys door.

"well, well, well, what do we have here?" nick questioned as he came out of his room.

"we're pranking chance and anthony." jake told him.

"chance? are you sure chance is even home? he went out for 'food' last night after jake went to his room." nick informed.

"oh.." i sighed. i thought me and chance had something. i knew what 'food' meant and it was not actually food.

"we can still just get anthony!" jake said excitedly.

"yeah. but who cares?! we can still double whammy anthony!" i said, excited as well.

"3, 2, 1." jake counted down as we entered the room with the shaving cream in our hands.

what we didnt know is that nick had teamed up with anthony AND the martinez twins. when we walked in there, jake was covered in slime.

"oh my god! anthony!" i laughed as i ran over and attacked him.

after all of the shenanigans, jake ordered the boys to clean up.

"well that was fun. thank goodness none of it got on me because i already took a shower today." i said after me and jake went downstairs.

"yeah, we gotta prank them ALLLLL day tomorrow. nonstop pranks." he said as we both sat down in the kitchen.

"hell yeah!" i said as we high fived and slime flew every where.

"i think thats a sign that you need to shower." i laughed along with jake.

"yeah. you can use mine if you want. im gonna go use erikas." he said as he walked into the bathroom.

literally, no one was here today. kade, chad, and tristan were all at their own houses, nick went to some meetings, tessa and erika were in new york for a week, and god knows where chance was. it was only me, the twins, anthony, and jake.

i stood at the kitchen counters for a couple of minutes before i heard jake turn on erikas shower headed upstairs.

before i reached the stairs, chance walked through the door.

i grumbled at him and walked up the stairs.

"kylie, wait." chance said as i continued to walk. i didn't reply so he persisted. "kylie!"

we finally reached the top of the stairs after what seemed like an eternity.

i almost reached jakes room when he grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him.

"kylie, talk to me."


"ky, please."

"no chance!" i yelled as i shook my hand from his wrist.

"kylie please. give me five minutes."

"you have three minutes." i said as i crossed my arms.

"im so sorry. it was a mistake. i spent the whole morning thinking about you and wondering what you were doing."

"okay, so?"

"do you forgive me?"

"no, chance! jesus christ!" i said turning away.

"why?" he questioned further. doesnt he know when to leave people alone?

"because chance, we've been hanging out all week, cuddling and watching friends all day, and we slept in the same bed every night, yet somehow you wanted more than what i had to offer and what we had. i liked you chance. really, truly i did. but obviously you dont feel the same way. your three minutes is up. get out." i sighed. he walked out the door and turned around. only to get the door shut in his face.

i turned around to face jakes bed and i sat down. my head was in my hands and everything came rushing at me. all my feelings, everything, hit me in the face like a huge gust of wind and i started crying. i havent cried in so long. and now i was crying over a boy i only met half a week ago.

jake entered the room and noticed me on his bed.

"kylie.. what's wrong?" jake said as he came over and wrapped his arms around me.

"chance. i know its stupid and i only met him a couple of days ago but i thought we had something. obviously he didnt." i sighed as i laid my head on his shoulder.

"im sorry, ky." he comforted.

"thanks jake. you're a really good friend." i smiled at him.

"thank you. do you want to go see anthony? the twins went out with kade. he picked them up and they went to a photoshoot." he said.

"yeah. i just dont want to see chance."

"dont worry. i wont let him hurt you." jake said as he walked me down the hall.


HELLO SHORT CHAPTER BUT HEY ITS STILL A CHAPTER!! please vote and share pls. thx ❤️, c.

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