Plan A, Birthday Party

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Violet cleaned her room and got rid of the things she didn't need or want anymore. Than Violet walked up to her Private Keep Out drawer and took the piece of paper out again. "Don't worry Mother and Father! I will succeed in your dream to make me happy and my dream to free you!" She whispered to her self. She held the paper close to her chest and resided these word, "Love and kisses along with hugs and wishes, our light is connected by our night!"
Something told her those words were the key to being united with her parents again. Violet put the piece of paper back in the drawer than went downstairs to talk to her Aunt and Uncle. "Aunt Jade, Uncle Oliver, can I ask you something about my birthday?" Violet asked. "Of course dear, go ahead." Aunt Jade answered. "Well I was wondering for my 15th birthday if I could have a birthday party? And invite a few of my friends over? Just this once?" She asked. "A birthday party? Why in this world would you want a birthday party?" Uncle Oliver asked. "Well I just had a dream of a birthday party when I turn 15!" She explained. "Dreaming is for kids, Violet!" Uncle Oliver and Aunt Jade answered. "No it's not!" She yelled as she ran up to her room crying. "Violet you 15!" Uncle Oliver yelled to her as she reached her room. "Have hope! Stay strong! Persevere! Never give up!" She thought. "I have hope! I have hope! I HAVE HOPE!" She told her self over and over again. "Wait till you see what I do Uncle Oliver, wait till you see!" She whispered

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