Sweet And Sour

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"Yes its true Violet! Your grandpa is not what he was before! He is slaved to do this!" She explained. "I'm trying my best to fulfill mother and father's dream! Do you think maybe you could come over to Uncle Oliver's today?" Violet asked. "Of course dear!" She answered. "Now hurry on!" She said. I walked out to my locker to see ruby was waiting for me, but not happy like I hoped instead she was sad. "What happened Ruby?" She questioned. "Violet those girl over there are making fun of me because I'm new here!" She cried. Bursts of sourness exploded Violet. "Who dare hurt my friend!" Violet exclaimed as she walked up to the girls. "Why would you girls tease Ruby for being new? We were all new once! She is scared it's her first year here are you sure your the ones who belong in this school? I don't think so because this school is for loyal people not for rude girls!" Violet looked up and saw her cousin, Chloe and got even more furious."Chloe I didn't expect this from you!" Violet screamed quietly. Chloe looked me up and down and said "Neither did I." She smirked. "Your so skinny Violet and your sand skin and blond hair that match your shimmering blue eyes are no match for hazel eyes with brown hair and average body and pale skin!" She laughed. "What do you want with Ruby?" I asked her calmly. "Nothing but she is so ugh!" She replied disgusted. "She is very pretty! Her light brown skin and black eyes stand out with the brown streaks in her black hair and she is has a skinny body but we are both not to skinny either we are average and tall like you I'm 6 your 6.1 and she is 6!" Violet told her than she walked away sad about how much Chloe had changed. Violet opened her locker put everything in it like she was supposed to and went back in the class. Violet found a note on her desk.
Ha ha ha! Trying to defend friends what a fun joke!
"Who could this be from?" She wondered than she gasped at who it was.

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