Chapter 3: Invitation Girl

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It was time. The time where I would be able to see Alex in person. The time where I can actually spend time with him. Go to the beach, movies, town carnivals, everything. I've been waiting for this moment for a while now. I hope nothing wrong happens today.

I walked down the school hallways with Max and Skye and they were so interested in who he was.
"Is he hot? Does he look like the boys in movies? Does he smell nice?" Skye was bombing me with questions.
"I bet he's a dork like Stephanie. I mean, Stephanie has no taste in men" Max rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up Max! I bet he's cute!" Skye punched his arm.
"Guys, he's not that bad. He's really sweet and kind. You guys will like him I promis-" we all stopped in our tracks.

Here he was, walking down the hallways casually as all the girls were checking him out. Even the teachers were peeking out the door at him.
Skye and Max both spoke at the same time saying "That's him?!"
I nodded and walked forwards.
"You made it!" I smiled and gave him a huge hug.
"I told you I'd be here" he slightly blushed and looked around.
"These are my friends, Max Oggler and Skye Willis" I pointed at each one of them and Alex waved innocently.

"Hey! You must be the guy Stephanie talks about twenty four seven! I mean last night she wouldn't let me sleep. She kept texting me with heart shapes in her eyes" she spoke playfully.
"Oh my gosh! Skye! I do not!" My face turned red from embarrassment and I faced my locker.
"Pfff- Me?" Alex chuckled.
Skye put her hand on his shoulder. "I am not joking, trust me" she backed off and her smirk turned into a face of disgust.
"The bitch is here" she whispered.
Leafy walked in between Skye and Alex and faced Alex.
"Hey, I am Leafy, nice to meet you. You look amazing for the first day. Some people don't" she stared at me in such a cold manner and looked back at him finishing her sentence "try"

Alex shook his head. "She looks fine, she doesn't have to dress all pretty to get my attention" he smiled at me and then looked back at her.
"Don't lie to her" she crossed her arms.
"I am not lying" he looked confused.
"Hmph~" she handed him her number and walked away mouthing 'call me.

I looked at her with such a stink eye and then looked back at Alex.
"You are going to call her?" I asked.
"Nah' I don't want an asshole as a friend" we both laughed and then Max interrupted.
"Hey! You'll have to get use to it boy. I am your friend from now on" Max made sure he was clear and Alex spoke nervously. "Y-Yeah sure!" He looked shook a little bit but then we all laughed it off.

Diamond and her sister Destiny were both heading our way. Destiny holding a bunch of cards in her hand and Diamond holding a bunch of stickers.
"Oh hey Diamond and Destiny!" Skye gave them both a hug and Diamond gave a bright grin. "You all are invited to my party. Especially you, new one" Diamond handed us all a the invite cards and put a sticker saying 'I was Invited' on them. Diamond then walked along and we all looked at each-other.
Destiny looked at me with such a huge smile on her face. "I hope to see you there, okay Stephanie?" I nodded and she followed Diamond.
Alex looked down at the card;
"Party? Sweet. Are you guys going?" He poked my shoulder.
"Yeah definitely. This is the first party I've ever been invited to in my entire life actually" I looked down ashamed.
"Yeah, sad life. But we still love you Steph! Plus! You get to experience it now" Skye closed my open locker.
"This party will be lit, we already know because it's one of Diamonds famous parties" Max stated. "Yeah- Yeah whatever" Skye placed her hands on her hips. Max rolled his eyes and walked off, throwing the peace sign up in the air.

"Bye Max!"
"Bye Stephanie" he turned the corner and disappeared. The bell rung which startled me a little bit but I was okay afterwards.
"Well, that's the bell. I'll talk to you later Stephanie" Alex patted my head and walked away.
"Aw~ you guys are so cute!" Skye had hearts in her eyes. She walked away and I went to class after she disappeared.
I blushed when I got there and I sat down at my regular seat.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked back confusingly. Just because no one has spoken to me before in this class.
"Hey! I wanted to ask, are you and that boy dating?" The girl smirked.
"N-No! Not at all.. he's just a really good friend" I smiled innocently.
"But you're still going to the party with him correct?" She placed her hand on my shoulder.
"I guess" I nervously replied.
"Do you know what he's going to wear?"
"No.." I rolled my eyes and turned away.

A bunch of people who I've never talked to in my entire life began talking to me which was completely odd. It confused me, was is because of Alex.

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