Chapter 17: Dreaming

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I heavily pant as my mom held me tightly in her arms. "Sweetie, what's the matter?" She looked up at me worriedly. "I-I had a terrible dream! It felt real! I felt like I was going to die!" I cried on her shoulder.
"P-Please! Don't let anything bad happen to Max!" I begged. "Stephanie! Calm down, nothing is going to happen to Max dear. Do you want me to contact the police?" She asked.
"N-No.." I stood up.
"I-I am going back to bed, goodnight.." I walked upstairs. "Night..dear.." she looked at me as I went up, Sighing loudly.
I rest on my bed, looking down at my phone, texting Max, still worried as hell.
ME: "Max? Are you okay? 😞"
Max: "Yeah, what's up?.."
ME: "I feel un-safe.." I sent the text.
Max: "Why? What happened 😰😰"
ME: "I had a nightmare.. It was if you drowning."
Max: "Aw, you need a hug?..😭"
ME: "Yeah, virtual hug.."
Max: "You don't live far so, I'll come give you a hug"
ME: "Psh- shut up.."

I shut my phone, closing my eyes.
'Is he really going to give me a hug or is he just joking.. he must be joking' I laughed at the thought.
A few minutes went by and
"Max! Hello my child!" My mom hugged Max.
"Hey! Stephanie upstairs?" He asked.
"Yeah! Go up!" She smiled.
I heard the door shut and steps coming upstairs. He opened the door and he hugged me while I lay in my bed.
"Max?!" I blushed pushing him away.
"What? You said you wanted a hug?" He chuckled.
"I didn't mean seriously.." I laughed.
"Well, it's too late now don't you think?.."
I sat up and then moved to the couch in my room.
Laying down, holding my arms up.
"Okay then, hugs!" I laughed some more.
"Okay, deal!" He got on me and he lay his head on my chest.
"Don't go to sleep now" I closed my eyes.
"I can't not, I feel so comfortable.."

He fell asleep on me and I fell asleep as well

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He fell asleep on me and I fell asleep as well.
Then I had another DREAM
This time, it was no regular dream. It was the same one. The figure came back and this time it was in a forest. It was walking towards me slowly, knowing I wasn't able to move.

 It was walking towards me slowly, knowing I wasn't able to move

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It smiled, I couldn't see it's face clearly.
It got closer and it laughed.
"You think he's going to stick with you? You are going to be his reason of death" I closed my eyes as I heard his whisper.
Then I saw myself in a different place when I re-opened them. What seemed to be an alley way.
The lights shut down, leaving the town to a pitch-blackness.
A projector came on which had a younger version of Max on it.

 A projector came on which had a younger version of Max on it

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The figure stood in the center of it and it laughed.
I couldn't move.
I tried to speak but nothing was coming out.
It laughed at me again and again. Then it walked towards me and placed it's hand on my forehead.
He said some things which showed me flashbacks and the future.
He spoke again, but this time he was angry. He was really angry, he wanted to hurt someone. He wanted to hurt someone I loved.
He squeezed my hand and he said these words.


beautiful images of Max had appeared and then they have gotten darker

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beautiful images of Max had appeared and then they have gotten darker.



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