Chapter 11: Liar Liar

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I don't know what was weirder.
Alex knowing what that thing was or Tom, trying to fix me up with water.
Alex spoke to me for a few hours and then he left.
I stood up and I walked downstairs to get a snack.
"Mom, when is dad coming back?" I looked down at the newspapers as I grabbed the milk out of the fridge.

"Oh! Your father? I have no clue, I thought he was going to be here weeks ago" she chopped the lettuce.
"Weeks ago? What the hell.." I poured the milk into the glass.

"Yeah, he was suppose to be here..
He called yesterday saying he was going to be here.." She looked at me before speaking again.
"Did he text you?"
"No mom" I closed the fridge after I placed the milk back inside.
"You're kidding.." She chopped the lettuce into mini pieces.
"No, I am not kidding.. I really didn't receive any text messages.." I walked to the counter and I opened the top cupboard, pulling out a cereal box.
"Hm.. Call him maybe?" She threw me the home phone and I called him, putting the phone up to my ear as the call went through.

"Hello?" My dad sounded sick.
"Hey?.. Dad are you coming home?" I grabbed a spoon.
"Home? No sweetie" he coughed.
"Dad are you okay? Why aren't you coming home?" I asked worriedly.

"Because work dear. It's whats keeping that roof on your head" he coughed again but it sounded grosser.
"You seem sick..Cold?" I asked.

"No-No, it's probably because uh- I ate the spiciest pepper in the world without water" I knew he was lying.

"What's wrong with you?" I was scared at this point. "Don't worry about me sweetheart.." he sounded terrible.
A random voice that i've never heard before said in a low yet quiet tone.
"Say you're going to have to go.." the voice was distorted.
"Bye sweetheart!" He hung up quickly without me saying bye back.

I felt my heart sink and I felt dizzy.
"Mom..Dad is in danger.." I was scared out of my mind.
"Sweetheart, that's his boss! I know he sounds scary that's the voice he was born with" my mom chopped the lettuce with anger.

"Oh.. Okay" I stepped away with the bowl of cereal and my phone, sitting on the couch.
'My mom and dad.. are acting weird'
I texted Max;
"Max, whatchya' up to?" I took a spoonful of cereal and waited for a reply.
"Playing video games, yourself?" He replied.
"Well.. Alex knows what that thing is.." I sent.
"What thing?" Max sent back.
"The figure I saw.." I typed.
"Stephanie, he's just messing with you"
Max sent a laughing emoji after it.
"No! We both saw it. It was outside of my window smiling up at me.." I sent a crying emoji his way.
"Pf~ Stephanie you're too much" he kept sending laughing emojis and then he signed out.

Ding Dong~

"Are you going to get it?" My mom called out.
"Yeah.." I stood up and walked to the door, slowly opening it.
"I-I need to talk to you" Leafy was soaked, it looked like she fell into the ocean.
"Leafy?..W-What the hell are you doing here?" I asked confusingly.
"You want to be dead or alive?" Leafy rolled her eyes "just let me in" she walked inside without an invitation.

"What do you need?" I looked at her.
She glanced at me and said
"You know you're their target right? They almost killed me for you! I don't know why you're so important to them! They said it's a promise you made!" Tears rolled down her face.

"What?.." I tried to put things together but it didn't make sense.
"I almost died because of you damnit! You are so fucking special to them!" She called out.

"Sweetheart what's going on?" My mom peeked her head in.
"N-Nothing mom.." I glanced at her and then looked back at Leafy.
"Who are they??.." I asked.

Leafy cried;
"I-It's.." she paused.
"N-No! Get away from me!!" She screamed out.

"What? Leafy what the hell is going on?!" I demanded.
Leafy pointed at the corner of the room.
"I-It's right there! It's r-right there!!" She kept backing up"

"Leafy?!" I walked closer to her.
I noticed a needle mark was on her neck.
"Leafy!? Who did that to you?!" I cried out.
"I-It's t-the boy you-" she stopped.
Another gunshot was heard, shooting her in the head, she reached her hand out and she fell on the ground"

My mom ran inside to find her on the ground.
My mom pulled me away.

"LEAFY!!" I screamed her name loudly.

A few days passed
"L-Leafy and Destiny A-are gone.." I cried.
"What!? I knew I saw a bunch of cars going by.." Skye scratched behind her head.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I covered my face.
"Don't feel bad, you hated that bitch anyways.." Skye poked the camera.

"You never wish for someone to die.. I know Leafy made my life a living hell.. but I never thought this would happen to her..she could've been worse" I uncovered my face.
"I'm sorry Steph.. You have Max,Alex,Diamond and I.." she smiled.

"..My dad isn't even home anymore" I looked down depressed.
"He'll be back! No worries child!" She put her thumb up.
"No he won't he said he wouldn't be home" I placed my phone down and I grabbed onto my pillow.

"What?? That's insane" Skye had a poker face.
"Skye.. Do you know what any of them are talking about? About some promise I made?.." I looked at her with such a serious look on my face.

"N-No not at all.." she had a face covered in lies and guilt.
"Pf- they must've watched a very scary movie!" she laughed nervously.

I heard the same voice again coming from behind her.
"Say you'll call her back" the distorted voice demanded quietly.
"Skye?.." I called out.
"Bye Stephanie!!"
She shut the video call.

"Skye has signed out"

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