Chapter 14: Bullies Are Nice

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Max took me home. We thought about the situation and how tough it was. He walked me to the front of my house and he nodded. Walking back into his car as I entered.
I sat on my bed and I tried pulling all of the pieces together but they didn't make sense.
Leafy was dead, Destiny was dead, Diamond was no where to be found, my dad isn't home anymore and Alex has gone stalker mode.
What was going on? I was confused.
My mom doesn't look normal anymore, she looks a lot like she's stressed out. She looks like she low-key can't take all of this in.
It looks like she was holding in all of her emotions even at the craziest.
I looked up at my door, slowly realizing that my dad hasn't called in weeks. I was getting worried, last time I heard from him, he sounded terribly ill.
I hope everything is okay with him, because It's making me not okay not knowing.

I looked down at my phone at the twitter.
I saw a bunch of regular pictures and a bunch of Rest In Peace pictures.

 I saw a bunch of regular pictures and a bunch of Rest In Peace pictures

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"JennaWore: Rest In Peace to my beautiful daughter. She was a fighter, not only a fighter but she was brave. She has had life problems that weren't easy to get rid of. She did things that she wasn't proud of but it wasn't her fault. I am really sad, and the family is trying to move on but it's so difficult for me as a mother. My little girl is not coming back, my little heart. If she has done anything to anyone in the past weeks when she was alive and they were not things that would be polite then I apologize, and she always cries about it after-wards. She doesn't mean it one bit. She never thought of herself as beautiful, so if she ever called you a name, it was probably because she hated you for being beautiful. She was beautiful too but she never saw it.
Anyway, thank you so much for sticking by her side or at least almost being there for her. Have a wonderful day, for I will try to as well"

The post had ripped my heart into shreds.
It really saddened me to see that all of that happened to leafy. I guess I've never seen in before. I guess all I ever saw in her was her bitchy self, but truly she had a light. She had a reason to hurt me but she didn't mean to afterwards. As said in the post, she cries every time she does Bad. Was leafy too afraid to be my friend so others wouldn't judge her?
I'm sorry Leafy.

 Was leafy too afraid to be my friend so others wouldn't judge her?I'm sorry Leafy

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I closed my eyes, and I thought about it a lot more.
Was she low-key trying to protect me too? In a not so obvious way?
Now she's gone and I can't do anything about it.
When she tried to tell me who was the person behind all of this.
She tried to save me.
To protect me
But I didn't see it
Which hurt me the most.
It was a new notification from one of Leafy's best friends. She put something on my wall.

"CeceLaruz: She wanted to keep you away from Alex

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"CeceLaruz: She wanted to keep you away from Alex. Not because she hated you and that she wanted to ruin your life. She wanted to help you. She texted me all night on how she was worried about you. Although this is a picture of her and Alex, it didn't mean anything. She just wanted you away from him for a reason."
  I replied:

Me: "What do you mean?"

       "She didn't mean to hurt you"

Me: "I wish you could've told me this earlier "

"I am glad I didn't, it end up you who got hurt, plus she never wanted me to"

I closed my eyes, hugging my pillow tightly.
"I wish she'd tell me" a tear rolled down my face.
"I wish she told me everything, now she's gone"
I cried even more, screaming into my pillow.
"What the fuck is going on with my life?! I never mattered!!" I squeezed my pillow as I cried even more.
"W-Why can't I be normal? Why can't everything be normal? Please!" I felt like I couldn't breathe, emotionally.
I felt as if I was being put in a place where air was escaping from me, where I couldn't be able to breath.
All I needed was someone to pull me out.
All I needed was
And I think that's what Leafy wanted to except, no one came to help her.
She suffocated in her own thoughts
No one came to help her, the door just shut and she couldn't get out.
I wish I helped her.

 I wish I helped her

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