Chapter 9: Can You Count?

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I opened my eyes slowly, I look at my surroundings and realized I was in someones room. I sat up, still a tad dizzy. I looked down to find myself in a red basic dress.
"What the hell.." I stood up and I opened the door in front of the bed.
There was a picture on the wall in front of the door, the frame was made out of roses and fake butterflies. It was a picture of Leafy and Tom. Their Parents faces were blurred out to me, I don't know if it was from me being dizzy or they actually blurred it out.
I felt a pain near my neck and I tried to find the bathroom, trust me I was successful.

I went up to the mirror and I checked my neck to find nothing but redness.
I walked to the stairs and looked down to see Tom vacuuming the room downstairs.
He stopped it, wearing a white tank top, his muscles were showing and he had a very adorable look on his face.

"Oh, you're awake" he smiled up at me,
I nodded nervously.
"What am I doing here?.."
"Well, I found you on the floor in the rain. I couldn't leave you there.." he walked up the stairs.
"Why didn't you call the police?.."
He scratched behind his head.
"Because, I thought you fainted or something..What even happened?" He walked back down and grabbed a glass, filling it up with red wine.

"Oh..I better get going.." I turned around to see if my things were there.
"No no no!" He rushed up the stairs and grabbed my arm.
"Why not" I pulled my arm away.
"You are not well.." He looked upset.
"What? I am fine Tom!" I crossed my arms and I felt a drop fall on my arm.
I looked down to find a splash of blood on my arm.
"Tom?.." I felt dizzy again and had fallen to my side.
"Stephanie!!" He knelt down, shaking me.

I woke up again in the same bedroom. staring down at me was Tom.
"I need to go.." I weakly spoke.
"I-I will see what I can do for you" he grabbed the glass of water, handing it to me.
"Why can't I go to the hospital?.." I looked behind me and I saw someone walk by limping.
I quickly stood up and walked out of the room and looked to the right to find Max, sitting down in pain.

"M-Max?.." I ran to him and knelt down. "Max!" I shook him.
I didn't hear anything from Tom, there was complete silence.
"Stephanie.." He hugged me tightly.
"...I..I" Max paused and looked at me.
"I'm sorry.."
"Why are you apologizing?" I removed his hair from his face.

"I-It was not my fault..." tears ran down his face.
"What was not your fault?" I put my hand on his shoulders.
"I can't say.. It's embarrassing.." he looked down shamefully.

"What. Is it. Look at me" I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine.
"I..I might've went too far..Tom told me to change your clothes" Max covered his face.

I felt so embarrassed.
"No, it's fine" It wasn't fine.
I had one of my best friends change my clothes for me which was disturbing. He probably saw me in my bra and everything!
My face turned really red of embarrassment.

. . .

"It's fine.. At least you didn't do anything way off.." I grabbed his hand and stood him up.
"What is wrong with your leg?.." I looked down at his leg that he was limping on.
"Well, when I fell put of the car, I rolled and my leg just hurts.. It's not dislocated or anything.. I think it just hurts from the fall. Thanks to Tom for helping me though" he put his arm around me.
"Thank you for asking" he smiled, blushing slightly.

Tom walked out of nowhere.
"Take care okay? careful" he opened the door and we walked out.
"I'll walk you home.." I said.
"Okay. Hey uh- Stephanie?" He glanced at me.
"Mhm?.." I looked at him.
"You look beautiful by the way" he smiled.
"I do? Nah~ I look stupid.." I chuckled as we walked along the street.
"No you are not, You know I am telling the truth because I never like stupid things" He had a face of happiness.

I blushed the entire walk and then dropped him off at his house.
His mom walked out and hugged him tightly.
"Max! Oh my God! What happened!?" She examined his face.
"I am fine mom, I'll explain everything in a minute okay? You go inside and don't stress" he hugged his mom back and she nodded, walking back inside.

"Wow, you talk to your mother like that?" I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Every lady is supposed to be respected and admired. Every lady has times where they fight for us or they get hurt for us.." he silently chuckled.
"I just love my mom so much, I can be an ass to you guys but not to her" he had the cutest smile just shining brightly on his face.
"Awh~ so sweet" I smiled back at him.

We both were lost in each others eyes and our faces were getting closer, reaching in for a kiss and then Alex appeared.
"Stephanie! I've been looking all over for you" he put his arm around me and looked at Max with a smirk.

"I wanted to ask you Stephanie.. Do you want to study at my place later? Around 8? No parents will disturb us. Trust me, we will be focused" he put his hand on my waist.
I removed his hand and replied
"But, we have no exam Alex" I looked a tad frustrated and just stepped away.
"I do, for physics.. I can't get the Velocity correctly" He walked around me and checked me out from down to up.

I could see that Max was furious.
"Get the fuck away from her.." he pushed him.
"Bro~ She's with me. I don't know who the fuck you are but you have to stop separating the both of us" he crossed his arms angrily.

"Where the fuck were you when she was injured! You were fucking leafy!" He shouted.

"Me? I'd never do anything like that with her. I don't like her at all. She's just a someone who has interest in me" he called out.

"Get a life! You are always with her. I know you are both messing with Stephanie's head! Just leave her the fuck alone" Max walked inside and closed the door.

"Alex, please just leave" I walked past him and he grabbed my arm.
"Remember when I kissed you? Don't forget that. Okay?" He let me go and he got on his bicycle and left.

I walked all the way home and I saw Destiny sitting on my porch. She ran towards me with a face of sadness.
"Stephanie! Whatever you do don't go to school okay? They will hurt you!" Destiny was crying.
"Please! Don't go! They're fooling with you! They think that you are too easy! Please please! Don't make contact with them anymore!!" She begged.
"What!? Who?!" I asked.
"It's-" she stopped.

Destiny had a bullet through her stomach. As I looked up, I saw the figure again. It smiled with the biggest grin ever and then it lowered itself and disappeared like a shadow.

"DESTINY!!!" I screamed.

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