Chapter 6: Words

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"Stephanie" I heard the voice of a male beside me. It sounded deep at first and then it slowly changed into a voice that I recognized.
I opened my eyes slowly, I couldn't see very clearly, everything looked blurry.
"Stephanie" the figure shook me again.
My vision cleared up and it was Max.
"Stephanie, oh my God!" He hugged me while I was on the ground.
"You scared the shit out of me!" He helped me sit up.
"W-What happened?" I looked at my surroundings seeing a truck facing sideways near a tree, smoke trailing upwards as the driver walked away, limping.
"You almost got hit by the truck.. I got to you in time" he examined my face to see if there were any bruises and he checked my leg for any cuts.
As he was checking I looked behind him and I saw a mysterious figure wearing a black hoodie. When I saw the figure it stopped peaking and disappeared.

"Who was that?.." I asked.
Max looked back and then back at me.
"There's no one there.. I think you hit your head a bit too hard" he sighed.
"I'll call the police okay? You're going to be okay" he took his coat off and put it on me to keep me warm.

"Thank you.. what happened to asshole Max?" I chuckled. "Oh- he's still here" he punched my shoulder.
"Pf- thanks Max" I smiled.
"Don't thank me loser~" he stood up and held out his hand.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. Alex and Skye ran towards us with a worried look on their faces.
"Oh my God! Stephanie! What the hell happened?!" Skye said worriedly.
"I am fine now.. I think it's best to go see a doctor.." I held on to Max so I didn't fall.

Alex looked at me with a face of guilt again he spoke loudly. "Stephanie- I didn't mean for this to happen! I have nothing to do with-"

"Listen kid. It's not the time" Max looked angry and helped me walk to the nearest bench.
"Kid?.." Alex felt offended.
"Stephanie" Alex walked towards us again. "I have nothing to do wit-" Max had interrupted Alex again.
"Hey! What the fuck is your problem?" Alex was frustrated.
"Who the fuck are you talking to?" Max stood up to him.
"Guys stop! Cut it out!" Skye tried to stop it.
"You are nothing to Stephanie! I don't even know why you are so fucking obsessed. Is she your bitch now?" Alex pushed Max and Max punched him across the face causing Alex to collapse on the floor.
"MAX!" Skye ran to Alex and I was frozen. I didn't know what to do, I was shocked.
Alex's lip was bleeding and he looked up at Max, like he had fire in his eyes.
"You'll see" he tried standing back up, almost falling again. "You will all see" Alex grabbed his phone off the ground and walked away.

"Max! What the hell!" Skye yelled at Max. "He was getting on my nerves! She almost experienced death and your talking about the time where you fucked Leafy Wore?" Max crossed his arms.

My eyes widened. "He what?" Skye asked. Max rolled his eyes "it's obvious. Diamond is going around telling people what she witnessed" Max sat back down and the ambulance arrived with the police.
Skye looked down nervously. "I don't believe it at all" she mumbled.

The police questioned us and I was checked by the doctor. The doctor said that I was fine and that there was nothing wrong with me.
I waited for my parents to pick me up from the hospital and they parked in front of the building.
"Dear! What the hell were you doing out so late?!" My mom hugged me tightly.
"I just went for a walk and this happened.." My mom helped me up and I grabbed my phone.
I looked out the window to see the same figure.
"Wait a second mom.." I walked to the entrance and the automatic doors opened. I walked across the street and poked the person in the black hoodie.
"Hey! I don't know who you are but your presence makes me uncomfortable!" I shook the person.
"What the hell! Let me go crazy lady!" The man shouted.
I pulled myself back and let him go.
"I-I am so sorry.." I felt ashamed.
My mom ran towards me and hugged me from behind.
"Sweetie! Please! Calm yourself" tears were shedding out of her eyes.
I saw leafy ahead of me with her friends.
"Her mom is so ugly, she looks like a beast. Hope she dies one day" Leafy laughed along with her friends.
"Look at her crying, because her daughter is a mistake to this world" she called out.

I got mad and walked towards Leafy slapping her across the face.
Her friends gasped and I stood there shocked that I did something like that.
A tear rolled down my face because I was extremely angry at what came out of her dirty mouth.
"Don't talk that way about me or my mom ever again.. Bitch" I walked back to my mom, grabbing her arm"

My mom and I walked to the car and she drove me home. I lay in my bed and cover myself with my sheets.
My phone notifications start blowing up again.
I couldn't sleep because of it and just grabbed my phone to see what it was.

It was a new tweet that Diamond had posted saying "There was a stranger at the house #WhatTheHell #Whoinvited"

I looked at the replies.
"GirlOnWeekends: I knew it, this guy took this girl into the room and they never came out ever again. Do you think they hooked up?"
Another reply
"JonathanWort: What? No.. wasn't the girl the one who always drinks?";
"TooC8te: I saw a boy who never goes to our school. He's really cute but I've never seen him before. He's not in the system. I checked, I promise.. thanks to my friend we sneaked in"

The replies shock me. Who was this stranger?

A new tweet popped up.
"AnonymousMouse: Stephanie knows who it is.."

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