Chapter 15: The Puzzle Pieces don't fit

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I sat up quickly, wiping the tears off of my face.
"I will put an end to this.." I stood up, putting my hair in a pony tail and I put on all black.
It was the day that I saw what was happening.
"Sweetie, I am heading off to work at the hospital today okay? Lock the doors" she called out from downstairs. She walked out of the house and I followed, she wasn't able to see me. She back her car up and I got on my bike following her.
She reached the hospital but then she went another path instead of the hospital entrance.
I followed to find her going down some stairs to what looked like a basement.
There was diamond, opening the door to let her in which shocked me.
I quietly walked to another hiding spot, listening to what they were saying.
"Where is he?" My mother asked.
"I don't know she left with him.." Diamond held my dads phone in her hand.
"What? Tell her to bring him back! We had a deal! We made a promise!" She was worried.
'A promise? A deal? What's this?..' I stayed to listen for some more information.
"I-I don't know what to do, I-I tried everything! I tried to put her to sleep, I tried to bring her here. I put it in her tea yesterday and she didn't drink it! Please! Tell her to bring him back! He's my life" she cried.
"I'm sorry you had to go through this, keep persuading her to drink your tea or put this in her food. Leafy had given me this, bring her here after okay?" She gave her some type of medication. I couldn't read the label.
"It's not my plan, it's hers. She wants it done tonight or tomorrow. You have 48 hours.." Diamond demanded.
"W-What about Skye? She's going to tell Stephanie everything!" She wiped her tears, her mascara running down her face.
"Skye will be dead soon, that's what she told me. But for now keep her away from Stephanie okay?" Diamond smiles, closing the door.
My mom dropping to her knees as she cried more.
"P-Please bring him back. I-I'll do anything!" She sobbed.
She held a picture of her and my dad, she stared down at it crying.
"Please come back.." she covered her face, the picture falling to the ground.

" she covered her face, the picture falling to the ground

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I walked back, crying. I felt as I needed to comfort her but I was scared in a way. It hurt me to see my mom struggling.
I walked away and then there was Alex walking towards me.
"What are you doing here at a time like this?" He scratched behind his ear.
"O-Oh, you know. Trying to get some fresh-air" I wiped my tears quickly.
"Were you crying?"
I shook my head no and he leaned, removing my hand and wiping my tears.
"You don't deserve to waste tears. You deserve a lot better. I know, Things might be crazy for you now. But trust me. It'll get better.." he fixed my hair and he looked into my eyes.
He smiled and I smiled as well.
"You're beautiful, don't think differently." He hugged me tightly.
"I want all of this to be over.." I cried some more.
"It'll be okay, I'll protect you. I already have arrows on my back, I won't let any of them go through you" he kissed my forehead.
"Alex?.." I looked up at him, I was slightly shorter than him.
"I'm sorry I don't text you all the time. I had some family issues and it's kind of tough. With Leafy gone, Destiny gone, I am starting to worry. I want to protect you with my everything"
He smiled.
"Hey! To make you happy!" He walked back grabbing these bags. Holding out a minion.
"I won this for you"

"I won this for you"

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I laughed.
"You're so cute. All of that hard work knocking things over for me?" I took the minion.
"Yeah, you're worth it" he smiles innocently.
"Why do you like me so much?" I asked.
"Because, you are unique. You're not like any of the girls out there" he was serious.
"How?..I was once a nobody in school.. now I am somebody.." I hugged the minion.
"You're my nobody" he held my hand.
"Hey! You aren't even my boyfriend" I crossed my arm.
"Did I just get rejected?"he asked.
"Yeah" I rolled my eyes.
"Should I treat you like a princess then?" He got on his knees.
"Stephanie, will you please be my girlfriend? I want to rule the castle with you" he blushed holding out a ring made out of candy.
"I do" I smiled, blushing.
He grabbed my hand and began walking down the city with Me.
"We are going eating" he blushes as he walks.
"N-Now?" I asked.
"Yeah, life is too short right?" He smiles.
"Wait, so I am going to die?"
"Don't we all?.." he laughed.
"I mean in a few?"
"What are you talking about?" He walked ahead.
"You're so strange" he laughed

"You're so strange" he laughed

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