Chapter 16: Meant to Be

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Alex walked down the streets with me.
We saw fireworks and we sat near the shore on the beach and went to eat at the nearest food cart. We went into the nicest forest in our town and we just sat down near a tree.
"You know, you didn't have to pay for any of that" I looked at him.
"I didn't want you paying for it" he looked up at the sky.
"Alex?..Do you really really like me?" I played with his hair as he looked up.
He looked at me and he smiled.
"Do I have to say it a million times for you to keep it in your mind? I do like you" he blushes.
"It's just, it's so rare for someone like you to like me.." I looked at him.
He rests his head down on my lap and he looks up at me. "What? You've never had a boyfriend?" He looked surprised.
"N-No..I was a loser remember?.." I rubbed my eye.
"Wow, we have more blind guys than I thought. I'd choose you over anyone. You're just pure, your personality is gold.." He poked my nose.
I kissed his forehead.
"The stars are so beautiful today.."
Alex pointed up.

"Yeah, it's rare for that to happen here

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"Yeah, it's rare for that to happen here.. weird huh?" I looked down.
"Yeah, it's probably because we are together" he said.
"You are so adorable" I laughed adorably.
"Whaat? It's true though" he did a pouty face.
"Okay- Okay" I laughed.
He looked up at me and he rolled his eyes playfully.
I looked down at my phone to see my moms text.
"Sweetheart? You aren't home? Where did you go? You're worrying me.."
I replied.
'On my way now..'
"Thank you Alex, for making this night magical, my mom wants me home.." I was actually sad I had to go.
"Oh! No problem" he stood up and he helped me up.
I kissed his cheek and he kissed me.
"Bye Stephanie" He smiled.
"Bye, see you tomorrow at school"I smiled, walking away. He waved as I left.
I went inside of my home and I sat on the couch.
"Mom, I thought you said you were staying all night at the hospital" I called out.
"They found someone to take my spot dear" she walked out of the kitchen.
"Okay well, I am going to sleep.." I was really tired. I didn't care of the fact that my mom lied to me the entire time. I just felt tired, It was somewhat a rough day today.
I closed my eyes
And then I began to DREAM
To see the figure standing THERE
it was staring at me as the smoke filled the air

 ~I closed my eyes And then I began to DREAMTo see the figure standing THERE it was staring at me as the smoke filled the air

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I couldn't see it clearly.
It got closer to me and placed it's hand on my cheek. I couldn't move, I was unable to SPEAK
But when It got closer to my ear it had said.
"Sometimes you end up killing the ones you love" and it kissed me.
Next thing you know, I see a boy drowning. It looked like Max to me, I wasn't really sure but I tried to help him but I couldn't move!
I was screaming and the water filled my lungs.

 It looked like Max to me, I wasn't really sure but I tried to help him but I couldn't move!I was screaming and the water filled my lungs

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"MAX" I tried to call out and he sank in deeper and deeper. Then the smoke came back, it didn't make sense. This time I was able to move and I tried but so was moving very slowly.

 This time I was able to move and I tried but so was moving very slowly

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I swam to him but the more I did, the farther he was.
Then I felt the hands of the figure over my eyes and I woke up.
"MOM?!" I was breathing heavily.
"What dear?" She looked at me.
I started crying and she ran to me, hugging me tightly.
"Don't cry..please"

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