just call me

859 31 5

@jpmacca: geoooooooo

@jpmacca: are ya working

@jpmacca: ???

@jpmacca: i must ask u something

@jpmacca: dude

@jpmacca: answer ur phone

@jpmacca: i am concerned

@jpmacca: geoooooo

@jpmacca: IM IN CONCERN

@jpmacca: B O Y F R I E N D

@jpmacca: W H E R E A R E Y O U

@harisun: i get off the tube

@harisun: and this is what i come back to

@jpmacca: GEORGIE


@jpmacca: DONT DO THAT TO ME


@harisun: aside from that alphabet soup

@harisun: whadyawant

@jpmacca: isthereachance

@jpmacca: thatyoucould

@jpmacca: cometolondon

@jpmacca: tovisitme

@harisun: ...

@harisun: ...

@harisun: ...

@jpmacca: geo

@jpmacca: ?¿?

There was a buzzing beginning in Paul's hand and he smiled when he read the caller ID. "Baby," he smiled when he answered and sighed happily. "Did you really have to call?"

"Yes actually," George giggled from the other line. Paul wanted to hear him giggle in front of him once again. It made Paul miss him even more. "I was hoping that you'd ask me to come visit you. Guess who has a month off from work?"

"Holy shit!" Paul gasped, causing people next to him to look over with annoyed looks. He blushed and excused himself, walking to an empty stairwell. "Geo are you serious?"

"Well why wouldn't I be?" The way his voice raised at the end of his sentence made Paul giggle. How did he manage to get this perfect angel as his boyfriend?

"When are you gonna come over here?" Paul asked, looking over at the door to the stairwell when he heard a knock.

"Probably three days," George said and Paul looked over at the door. Someone was calling for him. "I've gotta pack first."

"Come as soon as possible, okay baby?" Paul cooed, sighing sadly when the door was opened and a staff ushered Paul out the stairwell.

"You on break right now?" George asked and Paul sighed once again. "I'll take that as a no."

"I'm actually gonna go back to work," Paul laughed. "Tune in darling. I'll play you your favorite."

"My beautiful boy," George gushed and Paul could only blush. "I'll make sure to tune in. Always."

"Alright baby," Paul smiled and took a seat next to the microphone, reaching for his headphones. "I'll see you soon."

"Love you," George cooed and Paul giggled.

"Love you too." Paul hung up and put his headphones on.

"You guys are absolutely disgusting," Paul's coworker gagged and the whole station broke into laughter.

"We try." Paul smiled before adjusting his headphones and turning on his mic. Show time.

Missed Call | mcharrison [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now