welcome back

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George leaned against his suitcase as he stared at the screen above him. The first train that would be taking him to see his gorgeous Paul was about ten minutes away. Paul himself had fallen asleep a while ago; they were up texting until 3 am. George had taken the time to get the last of his packing done and get the first train that would lead to one of the most expensive places he's ever been to: London. George couldn't stop smiling and yawning; in an hour he'd have his Paulie next to him and a bed below them.

George had taken to checking his phone every chance he could, checking to see if Paul would wake up and start texting him again about some dream he had where George was in it. It was common now, the closer the days got to George arriving in London. When George did look down though, he saw messages from a different person and to be honest he was quite glad that he didn't get any service when he was on the tube so he wouldn't be able to respond.

@winnie: greg

@winnie: sry

@winnie: meant george

@winnie: stupid autocorrect

@winnie: anywhomst

@winnie: where tf do you want us to get you @ boi

@winnie: yo greg

@winnie: answer the phone

@winnie: where tf are you

@winnie: oh right

@winnie: the tube

@winnie: text me when you get off

@winnie: don't try texting ritchie

@winnie: hes driving

@winnie: and he's mine

@winnie: just a reminder

George rolled his eyes and put his phone back inside his pocket. There were about ten more messages he still hasn't read but knowing how it was John that was texting him, he'd probably been thrown off topic and was gushing about his boyfriend's pretty blue eyes or his precious laugh or how cute he looks wearing his clothes or how nice it is when he kisses him--was that how George sounds whenever he's with Paul?

George blushed and hauled his luggage into the tube, glad that almost no one was coming into the tube since it was such an early hour. He would've taken the time to catch some sleep but it was risking George getting off at the right stop, meaning he wouldn't see Paul. But Paul, just the mention of his name brought in a rush of adrenaline through his veins and he was just itching to see him and kiss him and have everything be perfect. Because when he was with Paul everything was perfect.

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