shut up paul

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Paul was reluctant to go to work that day. How was he supposed to go to work when he had an angel sleeping soundly in his bed? Paul sighed and came out from the bathroom, smiling softly when he saw George snuggled tightly in his bed, his blankets  pulled over his head. The time was 7:28 and he needed to board the underground soon before he missed his train and was late for work but he couldn't help but stare at George. His George, who was sleeping peacefully under the covers. Paul sat down on the side of the bed and pulled back the covers on George's head to kiss him softly. "I love you." Paul whispered, before pulling the covers back up and letting his boyfriend sleep in peace.

In the kitchen of his apartment, he spotted the ever so lovely couple talking over something with their bowls of cereal on the counter. They seemed to quiet down when they spotted Paul walking over to them. "Morning lovebirds," Paul smirked when he saw John blush furiously at what he said. "You two promise to keep him alive for the day?"

"Depends McCartney," John spoke up and moved away from his boyfriend's side and strode up to Paul, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "You willing to pay us?"

"Are you fucking psychotic Lennon?" Paul scoffed and shrugged off his arm from his shoulder. He made his way over to Richard and prayed that he could actually keep someone alive. "Can you do me a favor and keep George alive please?"

"It's no problem," Richie shrugged and swirled his cereal around with a yawn. "You want me to take him out or you wanna do that after work?"

"I'll show him around, just help him get settled in please." Paul said and grabbed the oldest man to press a kiss to his cheek in gratitude, smirking when he saw the red that went over his cheeks at the action.

"Hey you cunt!" John griped and slammed down his spoon. "That's my boyfriend! My boyfriend! You better fucking go back into that room for a little bit of your own boyfriend or else I'll cripple you!"

"Oh fuck off," Paul rolled his eyes and began to look around for sneakers. "He probably likes it for all I care."

John immediately turned towards his boyfriend who had shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth to avoid talking. Truth be told, the man didn't mind Paul kissing him but he preferred John's kisses over Paul's any day. At the end of the day it was John, not Paul, that he loved and he'd give anything to be able to kiss him all day long. No one in the room was stupid, they all knew this. But the wild look in John's eyes said otherwise.

"Baby," He almost growled and Richie's eyes went wide. "If you had to choose between me or Paul—"

Richie didn't have to think twice to answer this. He rushed over to John and pressed a tender kiss to the man's lips, smiling into the kiss when he heard John moan slightly and push him against the counter in the kitchen. Paul shrieked and began to try and pull them away, failing when he felt John tighten his grip on Richie's waist.

"Get the fuck off of each other," Paul yelled. "If you two wanna fuck then go into the room and do it!"

John clearly wasn't paying attention. His boyfriend on the other hand had moved his hands from Johns cheeks to his chest, trying to pull away to fulfill Paul's desire. "Baby," John whines softly and pressed a kiss to the man's neck. "Don't listen to him." John's charm seemed to work, for the older man began to whine for John's lips on his own again.

"I fucking hate you two I swear." Paul groaned and was about to leave his flat when he felt someone hold onto his hand.

"You're actually gonna go?" George stood behind Paul in a sleepy daze, his hair was already getting a bit messy and he was resisting another yawn. He got on his toes and began to stretch, making Paul yearn for a bed rather than a paycheck.

"Well," Paul bit his lip and looked back at the couple that was cautiously close to actually making love in the kitchen and he turned back around. "I'll call in sick baby, go back to bed."

George grinned softly and walked over to kiss Paul's cheek. Paul held onto George's hand so that he could linger a bit longer and sighed happily. "Aren't you gonna do anything about them?" George asked as he traces over Paul's cheek with his free hand.

"Yeah," Paul chuckled and stroked his hair. "You're on me though. I can't do anything when you're around me." Paul steered George away from him and instead took him to his room. Paul turned back around and faced the couple. "Alright I've got two options for you two. Option A: you go home and fuck or option B: you stop contradicting your own statement because if I'm not able to fuck George than you shouldn't be able to fuck Richie, especially when it's not even in your own damn home!" 

John pulled away at last and gave Paul a mean stare before holding tight to his boyfriend and pressing another long wet kiss to his lips. The older man was clearly shocked by the kiss, his red cheeks making it apparent. "I," He licked over his lips and blushed a darker shade of red. "Can we kinda just go home or something Johnny?"

"Oh come on!" Paul groaned and laughter was heard from inside Paul's room. Of course George was listening to the bickering.

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