no chance

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@jpmacca: help

@jpmacca: emergency

@jpmacca: ayuda me

@harisun: did you just say help me in Spanish

@jpmacca: maybe

@jpmacca: but that's not the point

@jpmacca: the point is

@harisun: i don't wanna know

@jpmacca: yes u do

@jpmacca: babe pls

@harisun: gonna regret this

@harisun: but

@harisun: what happened

@jpmacca: the lovely couple is here

@jpmacca: being disgusting

@harisun: gross

@harisun: call me

Paul rolled his eyes as he put down his phone to glance at the couple that seemed to have their tongues shoved down each other's throats. His phone buzzed in his hand and he grinned when he saw the photo of George appear instead of their chat.

"Baby," Paul whined and the two men who were kissing pulled away to hear their friend complain on the phone as always. "Help me. I think today might be the day I get cum stains on my sheets."

"Whoa whoa, what do you mean cum stains? Are you seeing someone else? Paulie?" George began to bombard the man with questions, almost making Paul feel bad when he heard the way that George's voice trembled at the thought of his lover cheating.

"No baby I'm not seeing anyone else. Calm down darling," Paul cooed and threw the remote at John when he heard him start to laugh. Ritchie left the room only to laugh hysterically at a distance, giving him a running start in case John felt the need to throttle him for laughing at his injury. "I'm talking about John and Ritchie. They were making out but I think John is gonna kill him."

"I'm betting ten pounds it happens." George chuckles from the other side of the line and John suddenly perks up at the mention of money. It was at that moment that Paul began to regret having George on speaker.

"Make it twenty and I'll do it." John said loud enough so Ritchie could hear. There were footsteps from the kitchen and a door rattled in the distance. John suddenly got up and ran out of the room, tripping over the rug but not falling. There was a crash at the front of the door to Paul's flat and some shrieks that soon turned into pleads of help.

"What the hell is going on?" George asked Paul and the man felt himself shrugging.

"I have no clue but I'm too scared to find out." Paul gulped and got up once George began pestering him about what the final outcome was and if he actually did owe John 20 pounds.

When Paul did reach the entrance to his apartment though, he felt like gouging his eyes out. On the floor he saw John on top of Ritchie who was squealing with laughter and trying to push off John from on top of him as the man continued to tickle him. Paul rolled his eyes and found himself walking away to his room where Martha greeted him rather excitedly. The man smiled and blushed when he heard George from the other line: "Did you forget about me, babe?"

"Sorry Georgie," Paul blushed and fell back onto his back, not caring that there was no laughing at the front of the apartment anymore. "Ritchie was getting tickled and I wasn't ready to have to deal with that. Besides, if I do try and stop it I'll just end up getting tickled."

"You're ticklish?" George asked slyly and Paul began to regret even mentioning it.

"Maybe." Paul answered innocently.

"You fucked yourself over McCartney," George said with a probable smirk. "You better watch your back when I come over baby boy. Remember, that's tomorrow!"

"Oh I know," Paul gulped. "I really know."

"I gotta go darling," George said and Paul began to whine. "I love you and I can't wait to see you again!"

"Love you too babe," Paul sighed sadly, smiling when he felt Martha's paw on his lap. "Oh and a special someone wants to say goodbye too."

Paul held his phone to Martha's ear and stifled back a giggle when the dog began to bark upon the knowledge that George was on the line. When George began to recognize the barks he laughed and cooed for Martha, making the dog bark louder than before. Both men broke into giggles that soon died down after Martha had stopped her barks.

"Can't wait to see the two of you tomorrow," George said, probably with a smile on his face, and paused to sniffle. "I love you so much."

"Oh Georgie," Paul gushed and smiled. "I love you too and I can't wait to see you. It's gonna be fantastic."

The younger man hung up before Paul could realize that he had begun crying and soon enough there was a knock on Paul's room door. Standing up, he opened the door to face a triumphant looking John who stood with a raised head and a smirk on his face. "So," John smirked and leaned against the door. "About those 20 quid."

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