home feeling

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"How did you even get here?" Paul turned to face George who was looking around the large flat.

"Underground and John and Richie," George answered back, letting out a yelp when he felt something cold nudge his hand, only to blush profoundly when he realized it was only Martha. "So Paulie, would you ever get mad if I take precious little Martha over here with me back to Manchester?"

"Mad?" Paul scoffed and took the milk carton from George's hand to place it on the counter. "I'd kill you if I found out."

"Would you?" George smirked and moved himself to Paul's side, laughing when he saw him grab a box of cereal even though it was five in the morning.

"Hell fucking yeah I would," Paul said and grabbed a handful of cereal from the box to shove into his mouth. "I don't care that you're my boyfriend. Nothing gets between me and Martha."

"That's probably the straightest thing I've ever heard come out your mouth," George teased when he saw Paul swallow. "Glad to see you've got your priorities down."

"Fuck off Harrison," was Paul's only response before he poured milk into a bowl that already contained cereal. "You know I still love you anyways."

"Are you sure about that?" George laughed when he saw Paul sigh and shake his head.

"Of course I'm sure about that, baby," Paul said softly and moved himself over to where George stood, hands on either side of his waist. "You're my priorities anyways."

"If you say so." George said as he leaned in to press a kiss to Paul's lips, grinning when he felt Paul hold him tighter.

The kiss was lovely; they had been apart for so many months that the lust accompanied by the kiss was clear. Paul had adjusted himself so that he was holding George's waist and now kissing down his neck, hand finding the hem of his shirt to lift up. George was moaning softly at Paul's tender touch, hands curling into Paul's shoulder when he felt Paul's teeth scrape his skin slightly. There was a brief pause and both men looked at each other with large dilated pupils; they were heaving Paul was already slipping off the shirt George was wearing before the two of them could even realize it.

George smiled and grabbed hold of Paul's shirt in return. They had gone back to kissing, George's sharp teeth softly nipping at Paul's plump bottom lip and Paul trying to get a taste of George's lips by letting his tongue go over his lips. The two had discarded the shirts and were working their way over to their pants, Paul's hands hovering over the button of George's jeans. There was a slight hitch in breath and the zipper of George's jeans was being zipped down until there was a loud slam from the front of the flat and a horrendous scream.

"You just got here! Why the fuck are you two fucking?" The grand John Lennon had entered the flat and was dragging a red cheeked Richie behind him.

"John," Paul groaned and let go of George's jeans, making them slide down his thighs as a result. "Why do you always have to ruin the fucking moment?"

"What moment?" John shrieked. He even let go of Richie's hand to prove a point. "The only moment you were going to have is getting fucking semen in your Frosted Flakes!"

"John!" Now it was Richie's turn to intervene and play the role of hero before someone ended up dead. "Don't say that!"

"But it's true!" John objected and pointed at Paul accusingly.

"No it's not!" Richie yelled back and grabbed hold of John's hand. The blue eyed man dragged John away from the kitchen and into one of Paul's guest rooms to chastise him, most likely to be cut off with a couple of kisses minutes later.

George and Paul stood in a rather awkward silence, George still struggling to pick up his jeans. Paul went over to his cereal bowl, picking up two spoons from the cupboard and rinsing them off. "I propose a toast," Paul says softly and waves the spoon in front of George's pink face. "Frosted Flakes for the two of us, semen free."

"Sounds lovely," George looked up and chuckled, gladly accepting the spoon and pressing a kiss to Paul's cheek before taking a large spoonful of cereal into his mouth. Between mouthfuls the man uttered a small "I love you," making Paul laugh at how disoriented it was because of all the cereal in his mouth.

"I love you too baby," Paul smiled. "And I'm glad that you're finally here with me. It really does feel like home now."

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