the mans

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George wasn't used to hugs but the second that he emerged from the Underground he was knocked down by John's small boyfriend with a bone crushing hug. For such a little man he did have a huge grip and George didn't realize it until he was on the ground with the wind knocked out of him.

"Hi Georgie!" The older man practically squealed and held on even tighter than George thought physically possible.

"John," George practically gasped and reached out for the man. "Get your fucking boyfriend off me before he kills me!"

John was grinning until he realized that George was going red in the face and ran towards his boyfriend that was obliviously crushing his friend. "Babe," John hissed and took hold of his hand, making the man blush and look down in embarrassment. "Don't kill the lad! He hasn't even seen loverboy yet!"

There was a slight chuckle and George groaned. "I don't know why you make so much fun of me," he mumbled and grabbed hold of his suitcase, practically throwing it into the trunk of the car. "Lets just go so that you two can go be gay elsewhere."

"Screw off Harrison," John rolled his eyes and closed the trunk, getting into the front passenger seat. "When you see loverboy we'll have to evacuate the entire building."


Paul was distracting himself with the television; he had asked John to go buy him milk because he was all out and the idiot hadn't come back. The reasons for this late arrival were already swirling around Paul's mind: sex, terrible memory, no interest whatsoever.

The man groaned and flipped through the channel, settling on one that mainly composed of old nineties music videos. He had picked up his phone and smiled brightly when he saw a message pop up.

@harisun: babeeeeeee

@jpmacca: yesssssss?????

@harisun: john is an asshole

@jpmacca: trust me ik

@harisun: babyyyyyyyyy

@jpmacca: yessssssss????

@harisun: im outside ur door with a carton of milk and my suitcase

Paul sprung up from his bed, stirring Martha from her sleep. The sheepdog followed her owner to the door where he began to squeal as he looked at the peephole, seeing that George was indeed outside!

"Georgie!" Paul cried when the door opened and George dropped everything, even the milk, to hug Paul as tightly as he could. The two laughed and just as they pulled from their hug, Paul leaned in and kissed George softly.

Martha began to bark loudly behind Paul and the two broke their kiss, Paul still clinging to George's shirt and George licking over his lips to realize that he's actually here with Paul. "Hi Paul," George finally said and wrapped his arms around him for another grand hug. "Mind showing me around your house?"

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