nice face

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@jpmacca: babyyyyyyy

@harisun: yes darling

@jpmacca: where are youuuuuuuu

@harisun: homeeeeeeee

@harisun: packing to go to london actually

@harisun: ur distracting me babydoll

@jpmacca: i wanna see ur faceeeee

@harisun: you'll see it in liek two days

@harisun: *like

@harisun: chill babe

@jpmacca: i need to see u

@jpmacca: like

@jpmacca: now

@jpmacca: babyyyyyyy

@harisun: darling boy?

@jpmacca: skype meeeeee

@jpmacca: boyfriend in need of seeing boyfriend's face

Paul was about to continue spamming his boyfriend until he was interrupted by an incoming video chat call. He smirked and answered, pressing his hand to his cheek as he saw George bending over to pick something up from the floor in front of him. Paul whistled and the younger man looked up at him with red cheeks. "Hey baby," Paul said with a wink and laughed when he saw George move farther away from the camera. "You putting on a show for me?"

"You wish," George rolled his eyes and threw in a few shirts into a suitcase that was nearby his bedside. He sighed softly and moved himself over to the screen where he grinned at the sight of his boyfriend. "Anyways, hi babe."

"Hello hello to you," Paul giggled and pressed his nose against his phone, making George do the same in response. The pair laughed and pulled away simultaneously. "How many days now?"

"Two," George smirked and looked at his camera to fix his hair that kept falling into his eyes. "But since it's night and I have to take the fucking tube to see you I guess I'll have a lot of time to stay here and procrastinate until I actually have to go see you."

"Rude," Paul scoffed and yelped when he felt something cold touch his hand. When he looked down he smiled and reached down to pet his favorite girl, Martha, cooing at her like always: "Aren't you a good girl? Yes you are."

"Uh, I hate to break it to you Paulie, I really do. But I'm not a girl." George smirked when he saw Paul blush. "And if you consider that dirty talk I think I'll take my chances with John's boyfriend."

"That's even ruder!" Paul gasped. He shifted on his bed and whistled for Martha to climb up, where she almost tossed Paul's phone out of his grip when she caught sight of George on the screen.

George gasped and threw himself on top of his bed, awing at the sight of the shaggy dog that was in his view. "Hello there pretty darling," he cooed at the dog that panted in front of him. "My sweet boyfriend told me your name is Martha. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Martha barked in response, clawing at the screen with want at the man that was grinning at him. She already seemed to love him. Paul grinned and went to pet behind Martha's ears to calm her down. With a final kiss on the head as he finished stroking her, the older man signaled for the dog to go down before she ruins his bed before George could come. "She's super glad to see you," Paul smiled when he saw George turn away to fix his hair again. "But I bet she won't be as glad to see you as I am."

"You're just saying that," George blushed, moving away from the camera when he saw Paul try and whistle at him once again. "I need to finish packing baby. I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"But Georgie," Paul pouted and made a reach for the man, feeling himself almost start to cry when he realized that he was talking to a screen. "We haven't even talked for that long. Please, just stay for a few more minutes."

"I wish I could, really," George sighed and got up to pack something into his suitcase. "But I need to go pack. Please darling, the faster I pick the faster I can go see you."

"Well," Paul sighed and looked around his room as if it'll be the answer. "I guess. I'll talk to you later then?"

"Of course you will," George grinned. He leaned in and cooed, "I love you."

"Love you too," Paul answered with a blush and went to hang up before George had to do it first. He sat up and beckoned Martha onto the bed again where she snuggled to his side and licked his hand. "Baby girl soon you'll see the love of my life."

Missed Call | mcharrison [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now