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George had fallen asleep on the tube, nearly missing his stop. Had it not been for the person whose shoulder he had taken to leaning on leaving the stop George would've stayed on it until he reached Brighton. In a hazy state the lad picked up his baggage and rushed out of the train, tumbling out onto the platform that was starting to crowd even though the morning sun still hasn't risen. He took out his phone and checked the clock: 4 am.

@harisun: dickhead where r u

@winnie: rood

@winnie: we're @ the station

@harisun: on top??????

@winnie: no we're on the moon

@winnie: where else do you fuckin think we are 🅱️

@harisun: chill my guy

@winnie: just hurry ur ass up

@harisun: come down here and help me with the suitcase dumbass

@winnie: ughhhhhhhh

@winnie: ur lucky my baby is too weak to do it or else he would've been the one helping you

@harisun: be a good fuckin friend and help me or else I'll make ritchie not have sex with you

@winnie: go fuck yourself

@winnie: stay at the platform im coming

George grinned and put his phone back into his pocket, looking towards the distance to see if he could spot the auburn haired man with a sly smile going down the tube entrance stairs. Soon enough he was running down the steps, even putting on his glasses to see if he could spot George. George didn't even know John had glasses!

The older man had finally reached George with a bit off a sour face, still angered by the small threat George had inflicted. "Where to your majesty?"

"It's great to see you again." George smiled warmly and held it his arms for an embrace. John kept a straight face for a few seconds until he let the brilliant smile he only had when he was with Ritchie to spread upon his lips. Now George knew why Ritchie never shut up about it; it truly was gorgeous.

John had accepted the hug and laughed softly. They stood in their embrace for a few seconds until they both remembered that they had their own lover to attend to. "I hope you understand that if you two are gonna keep at it with the surprise visits you better stop doing it at the crack of fucking dawn."

"Whatever Lennon," George rolled his eyes and helped John push his suitcase up the steep tube stairs. "Just get the work done so you can go back to snogging Ritchie or whatever."

Missed Call | mcharrison [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now