7 1 0

K. A. R. D

BM: nyom

J. seph: nyomnyom


Somin: just eat the goddamn bread sticks

J. seph: but Somin, they're not just any breadsticks-

BM: their-


Somin: ew wat heck why

Jiwoo: what do you mean why

BM: have you never eaten one

Somin: no I haven't and won't cuz that's gross

J. seph: how is it gross

Somin: they... just..... are

BM: well you know what they say
You Can't Bang it Till You Try it

J. seph: yep totes

Somin: boi that's not even how it goes

Jiwoo: I'm on Somins side on this one bois

J. seph: but jiiiwooooo

Somin: accept it your wrong

J. seph: no I'm not

BM: stop bickering and let's go ask manager-nim

Somin: fine but I'm right

~in manager-nims office~

Jiwoo: *slams hands on desk* Manager me and Somin are right, right?

J. seph: nuh uh!

Jiwoo: yah huh!

Manager: Enough!  What do want?

Jiwoo: BM and J. seph think the saying goes DON'T BANG IT TILL YOU TRY IT but that's not right,  right?

J. seph: woah woah woah is that what we're are talking about?  I thought we were still on bread sticks. In that case I take Somins side.


Somin+J. seph+Jiwoo+BM: BTEADSTICKS!!

Somin: jeez manager-nim why u so slow

BM: yeah ur no help let's go guys

~back at the dorm or where ever they were at when this all started~

Jiwoo: OK everyone we need to come to a conclusion. Cold bread sticks.  Yah or Nah?

Somin: I vote nah

BM: you don't count Somin. Your biased

Somin: how I biased?

J. seph: you look like a bread stick that's why

Somin: I take that as a compliment

Jiwoo: anyone else?

J. seph: yah

BM: I vote yah

Jiwoo: Cold bread sticks it is

Somin: but whyyyyyyy

BM: just try it

J. seph: ye try it

Somin: ew no

Jiwoo+BM+J. seph: *start crawling over to Somin each with a cold bread stick in their left hand* try it

Somin: no i-*gets three cold bread sticks shoved in her mouth*

~this resulted in poor Somin choking on a bread stick #prayformahgirlSominsheisbeingabused~

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