Falling for the bad boy

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Quick Authors note:   this fine Sunday morn I woke up giddy cuz I finally made up my mind on a bias but when I got into the shower I realized I was ugly so I started crying but when I got out I wrapped myself up in a towel and caught sight of my self in the mirror and I was like damn ma'am can I git ur number I bet you get all the hoes but then I realized I have no hoes so I walked put of the bathroom sulking.
P. S. This was unnecessary

Jungkook sits up in the small mattress on the floor. The small cabin is dark indicating that it must be no earlier than twelve at night. He stretches and looks to his right. Once he finds the spot on the mattress empty he sighs and puts on a t-shirt and tightens the strings of his sweatpants. Giving one more yawn and stretch he steps out of the cabin without bothering to put on shoes. He goes around the cabin and grabs a pogo stick and starts hopping through the forest (cuz why the fuck not). Swerving around trees ducking under branches. He is used to it by now. He stops once he gets to the small body of water and stares for awhile at the girl standing a couple feet away. She stands in the middle of this small body of water staring down at her reflection among the stars.  "HA GUYS AN ASSASSINATION!" (I was goin to put JAGIYAAAAAAAAAA!! But it auto corrected and I don't mind). This made the girl turn around in surprise and almost.... fear. Once her eyes landed on Jungkook they softened and her lips formed a soft smile. Jungkook laid down his pogo stick as she waided to shore. It didn't take long for her to get to him but when she did he was sitting on the small rocks with his legs crossed waiting for her. As soon as she was right in front of him he pulled her down so that she was on his lap with her knees on either side of him. "why did you leave?" he asked as he buried his face in her neck. She smiles and replies with a simple "I don't know." Jungkook lifts his head up to be able to see her face  "Is it the sky? The stars? The moon?" She looks up and sighs "All I guess? I really don't know it's just all so pretty.  I feel drawn to it kinda." "Like I'm drawn to you?" She looks back at him and wrinkles her nose "That's cheesy." "You still love me though."  "says who?" Jungkook gasps and feigns hurt. She laughs and kisses him on the nose. "Whoever it is is absolutely right." she says grinning. He smiles at her at stares into her eyes. She smiles brightly back at him. Her smile falls and she bites his nose. Hard. Way too hard. His eyes flare open and he is no longer in the middle of a forest at midnight with a girl on his lap. He is in BTS' dorm, face to face with an upside down Taehyung.

Jungkook: REEEEeeeeEEeeEEEE *flings arms out in futile attempt to grasp reality* *falls off bed*

Taehyung: *gets scared* *starts screaming and fling arms as well*

Jimin's thighs: *are pretty great*

Hoseok: *starts making ambulance noises*

Namjoon:*drops everything(which happens to be Jin's good china) and does the stop drop and roll procedure*

Yoongi: Y'ALL hAvE OFfICiallY maDe mE lOSe mY mARBles


BTS: *is quiet*

Jimin's thighs: *are still pretty great*

Jungkook: *sits straight up* hyung, have you ever had a girlfriend?

Taehyung: *flops down on Jungkook's bed to be able to see Jungkook who is on the floor* yup

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