Chapter 17: Edge of War

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My head hurt as I slowly opened my eyes

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My head hurt as I slowly opened my eyes. At first I was confused as to where I was... who was I kidding? I was confused as to where I was.

I was lying in a bed with a paisley blanket and a feathered pillow that's content was poking me in the cheek. A dresser sat at the foot of the bed, another bed to the left, separated only by one small nightstand. On the right was the only thing I recognized: Gage. He was seated in one of the chairs near the window, both having been turned to face each other, with his feet placed on the other.

He didn't look over as I sat up, his eyes were trained on the part in the curtains. From the angle he would be able to see partially outside.

"Where are we?" as dumb as the question seemed, I couldn't help but ask.

"A motel," he responded, without moving, his voice rasped as if he hadn't used it in a while. I watched him for a moment, yet he still didn't move.

"Where's Aaron?" once more he responded without looking at me.

"He had to take care of some things," I watched as his tense body didn't move, the only indication he was awake, or alive for that matter, was his occasional blink and the repetitive clenching of his jaw. I couldn't help but wonder how long her had been sitting like a statue.

With a sigh, I pushed the blanket off and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Instantly I felt the breeze from under the door. Pushing past the chill that the cold caused and the thoughts of crawling back into the warm bed, I stepped over to Gage.

I watched his body tense more, if that were possible, as I approached the chair. Finally his troubled green eyes met mine. Without a word, he sat up, removing his feet from the chair before him. The movement revealing the gun cradled in his hand.

My heart clenched as I took in the bruises and marks on his face. Reaching to cup his face, I let out a gasp as he flinched from my hand.

"Gage..." Stepping around him, I moved between his legs, forcing him to shift back into the chair.

"Hannah... please..." he whispered as I reached for him once more.

"What the hell is wrong?" Gripping his chin, making him look at me. His pain filled eyes making me weak in the knees.

"How can you look at me?" his eyes closed, his dark lashes laying softly on his cheeks, "I have killed... you have seen me kill," he pulled his face away, his eyes now trained across the room.

"Don't get me wrong, killing was not something I ever wanted to witness," I moved to to sit on one of his legs, forcing him to look at me once more, "but I am not naive, I know why you did it, why you had to," I stroked his jaw with my thumb as his troubled eyes moved back to me, "It was 'Kill or be killed', Gage, and I much rather they died then you or my brother,"

"How are you handling this so well?" his voice made my heart clench as it shook with emotion.

"I guess passing out helped me get over the shock," he let out a small airy laugh as I leaned forward, resting my forehead against his, "this isn't a normal situation, and I know I have to deal with it, I know I can't freak out over all of this, or I will go crazy,"

He smirked before pushing his lips against mine. The kiss was soft, full of emotion, yet not demanding for anything else.

The sound of keys in the lock of the door made us jump, we looked at each other for a moment, silently freaking out that Aaron might know what we where doing. I stood, as the door opened and with no where to escape, I slipped into the chair across from Gage, trying to look as if I had been there more then just the second I actually was.

"You're awake," Aaron said cheerfully as he spotted us by the window. I turned to look at his, sighing I turned to look at him closing the door behind him.


"How did everything go?" Gage asked, thankfully, I had no other response to my brother.

"The cleanup is finished, the bodies," my brothers blue eyes shifted to me before continuing, "have been taken care of," they both nodded before Aaron moved farther into the room, taking a seat on the undisturbed bed.

"What about Dominick?" he hadn't been dead the last time I remember, but he could be now. My brother's eyes moved to mine, sharp blue mirroring each other.

"He has been taken to the hospital," he said, his body tensing and I knew he was waiting for more questions.

"How does that work?"

"Well," he looked away, glancing at the really ugly landscape picture across from him, "he was dropped at the emergency room door," the room was silent, no one speaking for a few moments, "if someone went in or stayed with him, there would be questions and cops..." he trailed off. I only nodded in understanding, Gage nodded as if to back up what Aaron had said.

"Why didn't you kill him?" that was the only thing I didn't understand. Why leave him at the hospital with the potential to live, when they killed the other men?

Four eyes snapped to me, nothing but surprise showing within them. The just looked at me for a moment before glancing at each other.

"Killing him would have caused more problems than we need right now."

"It would have started a war," Gage's words sent a chill down my spine. If this wasn't a war, then I didn't want to see what would happen if there was actually a full out gang war in Milwaukee.

 If this wasn't a war, then I didn't want to see what would happen if there was actually a full out gang war in Milwaukee

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Hey all, short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it. I cant believe that we are at chapter 17 already! I'm shooting for 25 or 30, at this rate I will probably make it!

Let me know what you think: comment, vote and share! :-) ~S

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