Chapter 22: Guns and Knives

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My instincts drew my eyes to the man standing in the doorway of the house

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My instincts drew my eyes to the man standing in the doorway of the house. I could hear the pounding footsteps approaching me from behind, but I didn't turn, knowing the man before me was my biggest threat. The gun pointed at me, blood running from both arms, his face twisted in pure hate. 

I gripped the knife in my hand, knowing there wasn't much I could do with it from here. 

"Lower the gun, Tony, we have you out numbered," the voice behind me said, the warmth of the owner, seeping into my back, bringing with it a comfort of security.

Slowly Tony was blocked from my sight by Gage's back. His black t-shift wrinkled, clinging to his back with sweat. I took in his appearance as he and Tony stared at each other, guns pointed at one another. His face no longer shaven smooth, now it had a growth of dark hair on it, as if he hadn't shaved in days, he looked tired, his body seemed to move slow, making me wonder if he was sore as well.

Tony spoke first, his voice drawing my attention to his now twisted face.

"This is perfect," his smile reminding me of the Joker from Batman, "two birds, one stone," Gage tensed gripping his gun in both hands, clearly ready to shoot.

"You shoot, you die," Gage's voice was cold, but Tony seemed to pay him no mind.

"As long as you die first," His eyes met mine as I looked at him from behind Gage. I watched his body tighten just before,  I saw his finger flex. Instinct took over, everything seemed slow motion as I took one step out from behind Gage, swinging my arm and releasing the knife as if I knew what I was doing.

His gun discharged before the knife hit him. Shockingly landing in his diaphragm, sinking into the soft tissue below the curve of his ribs. The look of shock on his face was momentary before multiple gunshots hit his body, shaking him into deaths arms.

I let out a scream of pain as someone gripped onto my bad shoulder, attempting to use it to keep themselves up.

"Hannah," Gage grunted as he fell to his knees, my dislocated shoulder not able help bare his weight. 

His shoulder had taken the bullet, blood gushing out of the wound. Kneeling down beside him I placed my bare hand over the hole, hoping to at least slow the bleeding.

"What do you want us to do with the mess?" one of the men surrounding us approached and asked. 

"Clean it up, dispose of the body, sweep the house for anything or any witnesses," the man nodded to him then once to the men around the yard.

"Can someone get me a towel or something?" The man stopped mid-step at my voice, looking down at me he nodded with a soft smile before heading into the house with the other men.

"I want to kiss you so bad right now," Gage said in a low voice, his green eyes looking at mine sadly.

"You've been shot, sitting here bleeding out, and that's what you're thinking about right now?" a mischievous smile crept over his face, his eyes holding a glint that said he was thinking of more then just kissing me.

"Here," the voice makes us both jump, a towel being thrust between us. Taking it with a thank you that wordlessly passed my lips as my face heated in embarrassment, "What do you want done with him?" he asked turning to Gage, thrusting a thumb behind him. 

All eyes now turned to the man being held on his knees a few feet away. The sleeping guard, now wide awake, a large wet stain covering the front of his pants. He does not struggle, but hangs his head, prepared for what is coming next.

"Did he hurt you?" the softness in Gage's voice startles me, drawing a strange look from the man standing before us. Meeting his geed green eyes I shake my head.

"He was just one of the men that guarded me," I looked back at the man for a second before turning my eyes back to the man I thought I would never see again, "He actually brought me food and water, even helped me eat," 

With a soft smile he reached up, brushing his hand over my cheek bone.

"Let him go, he wasn't doing anything but following orders," the man's head raised at Gage's loud voice, now spoken for everyone to hear.

The man stood up slowly, as if he was waiting for another strike, as if letting him go was just a trick. He looked at the men around him, all tense, ready for him to do something that would give them cause to end him.

After a minute, the man took off at a run, nearly tripping over his own feet as he rounded the house, heading for the front yard. Not long after he dispensary from sight, the sound of a car stating and squealing tires followed. 

"Do you want us to get Lexa?" the man asked. Gage moved his hand to the back of his shoulder, mumbling under his breath. 

"Have her meet me at my apartment," the man only nodded as he pulled out his phone, stepping away from us as he made a call.

Gage gripped me around my waist as he helped me stand with him. My legs shook, not wanting to hold my weight. He frowned as ne saw this, but didn't say anything, only lead me to his truck, parked in the ally just behind the house.

Helping me into the passenger side of the truck, his jaw clenched as I struggled to get my body into the high seat.

I sighed with relief as he closed the door, my body relaxing into the leather seat.

Slipping into the truck his phone pressed to his ear.

"Yes, I am going to take her to my apartment, Lexa is going to meet us there," his eyes moved to mine as the person on the other end responded, "not too badly, considering," his eyes moved away, looking out the windshield, "yes, okay, we will see you in the morning," the soft beep of the phone braught silence.

Clearing his throat he leaned in, starting the truck.

"That was Aaron," I only nodded, waiting for him to continue, "he is glad you are safe and not hurt... too badly," he cleared his throat again before driving the truck from the ally, "he is out of town and won't be home until moring. He is going to come to see you as soon as he gets back,"

I nodded in understanding. Not really understanding why my brother would leave town while I was abducted.

"How long?" The questing wasn't specific but there was only one answer at this moment.

"A week," my breath caught as I let that sink in.

A week, I had been in that basement for a week.

"Hannah," he said my name, drawing me from my thoughts. His hand was on my cheek as my body shook, "you're safe now,"

"I know..." the words came out more as a croak as my throat tightened. Hot tears streamed down my face.

I drew my legs onto the seat, pulling my legs to my chest, crying into them. Emotions swirly inside me.

Fear, anger, relief, shock...

The only thing seeming to keep my from shattering into a million pieces, was Gage's hand, rubbing circles on my back.

The only thing seeming to keep my from shattering into a million pieces, was Gage's hand, rubbing circles on my back

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Just a few more chapters and then the epilogue.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you think: vote, comment and share. ~S

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