Chapter 8: Another Secret Life

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I was asleep when we reached the new "safe house"

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I was asleep when we reached the new "safe house". though it was definitely not a house, it was a condo in a large apartment building, just off the lake, in the heart of Milwaukee.

I didn't ask why we were back in the city, when Gage shook me awake and I noticed where we were. I didn't ask, because i knew they wouldn't have given me the full answer.

The lobby man greeted Aaron like an old friend, making me wonder how often he was here.

Even though it was night, i was surprised to see the lobby vacant and empty, as was the hall the elevator opened to reveal. I wondered where the night life was that lived in the city, knowing too well the craziness people were capable of.

Aaron led the way down the hall, past only two doors, to the end of the hall. The door he opened to a full wall of windows, well that's the first thing I noticed anyways. The glass wall, on the far side of the entry way and rest of the place, was distracting. The view was breathtaking, as if the city had been built around this one room, for this one view.

"It's not big but, it will have to do for now," Aaron stated as he dropped a set of keys onto the kitchen island, drawing my attention from the view.

"How long have you had this place?" Gage asked, surprising me, he didn't know about this place.

"A few months," Aaron responded with a shrug, "I come here when I don't want to be bothered," I glanced around at the apartment, it was very plain, empty, as if no one lived here, which was actually the case. The living room was opposite the open and airy kitchen area, Gage and I standing in the center. The white and black leather furniture gave the place a clean and modern feel. 

"So no one knows about this place?" I asked, looking over at my brother in his stainless steel kitchen.

"Nope, and I would like to keep it that way," he stated before walking over to us, "there is a room over there," he said pointing to the door across the living room, "Hannah, that will be your room," he said before turning to Gage with an uncomfortable look.

"Before you say anything weird, I'll just take the couch," Gage said before walking over and plopping down on the black leather sofa.

Aaron just stood silently watching him. It was obvious he wanted to say something but he didn't.

Gripping my pillow tighter in my hand, I turned on my heals and headed past Gage's tense form reclined in a faux relaxed position.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped into the spare bedroom and closed the door, blocking the tense atmosphere that was growing on the other side.

I had never seen the two like that before. They were close, they shared everything, well I thought they did.

Setting my bag down on the green comforter covered bed, I dug through my bag, pulling my dirty clothes out, as well as things I didn't even remember grabbing.

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