Chapter 19: Not the Same Man

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My Head was pounding as I slowly became aware of myself

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My Head was pounding as I slowly became aware of myself.

My eyelashes scrapped against fabric as I tried to open my eyes, only to find them covered.

The only thing that seemed to give me any idea as to where I could be, was the cold concrete under my feet and the musty smell of the basement I was undoubtedly in.

The lack of noise was chilling as I tried to take in anything that could help me figure out where I was.

The rope that held my wrists behind my back also
restrained me from moving from the wooden Chair. The rope itself felt more like a Shoelace than an actual rope.The materiel stretching more than any rope I had seen.

Pulling at the restraints I growled Slightly in defeat . I should have known better . This wasn't Some awesome action Movie where I was just going to magically escape .

"I wouldn't do that," a voice said, causing me to freeze. I listened hard, but no other sound came. Was there actually a person there? Or did I just imagine it?

Staying silent I leaned back in the wooden chair, hoping that the voice wasn't in my head, though dreading the idea that it wasn't. Yet my breathing was the only sound that I heard as I waited.

My mind started drifting as I tried figure out why I was here, Blindfolded and tied to a chair, in a basement, possibly alone. Could Tony be behind this all? Could he have had me brought here? If he wanted me dead, why wasn't I?

The sudden sound of a door opening, had me jumping in my seat, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps on old rickety steps.

"She awake?" a voice asked, sending a chill though me. The voice was one I knew too well, one that angered me more than any other sound.

"I'd say, for about twenty or so minutes now," the voice from before said, confirming that I was indeed not going crazy.

"Good," His chilling voice responded as footsteps slowly drew closer, the movement reminding me of a lion on the prowl, each one slow, confident.

 When the steps stopped, fingers bushed each of my cheekbones as they moved to slip under the blindfold, the feeling sending a sickening feeling. The face revealed before me was the coffee colored one that I expected. Tony smirked as he pulled himself away from me and to his full height.

I wanted to smack the smirk right off his face as he looked down his nose at me, one side of his plump pink lips twisted up in pleasure.

"Hello Hannah," the words sounded cordial, like a secretary's when you approached her desk, but his eyes held nothing but wickedness.

He turned, not waiting for a response, probably knowing I wasn't going to give him one. I pushed my lips together as I watched him move to the other side of the hollow room. The room was large and empty, the cement floors and walls along with the small window near the ceiling indicated that I was indeed being held in a basement. The single light bulb to my left sent an eerie shadow around the bare room.

A heavy set man sat in a chair next to a stairway heading straight to a door, the only exit I could see. The man had a look on his face that scared her, as if he had the opportunity he would do things that I didn't want to even think about.

I looked back at Tony to find he had a small mallet in his hands. He bounced the rubber head off of his palm as he looked at me. His face no longer showed the man he once was. The man he once SHOWED me, maybe this truly was the man he was all along.

"I have been waiting weeks to have you down here," he sneered as he stepped closer, "The little Gangster princess, so innocent. I was so happy when I got you," his sneer grew into a smile as he lowered the hammer, the wooden handle held in one hand at his side, the other moved to brush some of my hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"To have you with me, in my bed, knowing how much it bothered your father and brother, made everything that much more fun," I watched as he leaned away, the sneer once more returning to his face, "And then you had to go and try to frame me for murder," he shook his head, his twisted brown eyes glaring at me, "and choosing that piece of sh!t over me!"

His voice boomed around us as his face twisted with fury. I could feel my body shake as fear rushed through me. I had never seen anyone so angry, If I wasn't already sitting I probably would have fallen to the floor.

"How long have you been seeing that piece of sh!t?" he asked, his knuckles turning white against the hammer's handle. I shook my head as his voice brought fearful tears to my eyes. I didn't want to cry, and I knew if I answered I would not be able to hold them back any longer.

"Answer me, you slut!" he growled as he gripped my face in his hand, squeezing my cheeks as he gripped my jaw, "how long?!" he growled through gritted teeth.

"A few weeks," I managed to whisper without a tear falling.

"Lies," he released me with such force that the chair rocked on it's back legs, making me scramble to lean forward in hopes to not fall backwards, "the cops said months!" he yelled.

Faster than I could realize what was happening, his arm swung, the rubber mallet head slammed down on the top of my thigh. Instantly I screamed as the pain shot through me. Hot tears streamed down my face, I no longer tried to fight them as the pain throbbed, like a heartbeat.

"Tell me the truth princess, or I'll do that to the other leg," I could barely see him through the shield of tears, but his voice maid it clear, he wasn't playing around.

"We lied," I sobbed, each word hurt as they burst out, "we just said it as a cover,"

Without warning the hammer came down on my other leg, causing me to scream. 

"You're lying!" he screamed. I just shook my head, closing my eyes trying to fight the twin pain in my legs. I screamed again as the mallet came down on my shoulder, a sickening pop sounded, on contact, as it dropped from its socket.

Tony continued rambling, but I could no longer hear him over my sobs. 

"Tony!" the man from the corner yelled, making me jump and look over at him.

"What?!" Tony screamed as he turned toward the man. The mallet slipping from his hand and shooting across the room, bouncing slightly off of one of the walls before landing on the floor.

"Sorry dude," the man said as he held out a phone to Tony, "It King,"

Tony huffed as he stomped to the man, snatched to phone from his hand, and stormed up the stairs. Leaving her with the strange man once more.

 Leaving her with the strange man once more

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Soooo... What do you think of Tony? Phyco? Crazy Ex? Serial killer?

Tell my what you think. Comment, vote and share! ~S

(P.s.: sorry if you all got notifications as I was messing with the chapters the last few days, I'm done now,)

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