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She was alone, all alone. Again.
A thousand thoughts rushed through her head. Not once stopping long enough to for her to focus on it.
It was so quiet, but it was deafening.

Silence. It crept closer.
No. It wasn't silence, it never was. In fact it was the roar of a million thoughts. Each linked to a new one. On and on and on.

Silence. It surrounded her.
She was so tired, all she wanted was for it to end. Bit the more she willed it to end the longer it stayed.
It was so quiet. So silent.
It would never make sense. Her brow creased.
It was loud, far too loud.
It was them making the noise. Each one screaming for her attention. Yelling for her to acknowledge them. Little did they know. She tried, so hard, but they went too fast. It made her head hurt.

Silence. She was trapped.
She knew it was only a matter of time now.
It wasn't as loud anymore. Still, she could hear the din.

The moon peeped into the room, sending in beams that lit up the shadows. A cold breeze managed to sneak past the closed curtains. She burrowed herself deeper into the covers and sighed.

Silence. It suffocated her.
They began to calm down. Fewer rushed around, fewer screamed for her attention. She knew it would come soon now. She would embrace it, gladly. The corner of her mouth tilted upwards.
The old house creaked. Then -

Silence. It began to consume her.
Then she drifted into the oblivion, and only one thing could be heard.


Hey guys!  Sorry for the late update... Also I just wanted to apologize in advance as well, cause I won't be updating next to next week.
I'm going on a class trip, and I'm excited as hell!!!
So see you guys in two weeks.

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