Take time to abide in His Word;
Take time to abide in the Lord.
Meditate on it day and night,
Till you're compelled to do what's right.Savor each and every word,
For it is our God-given sword.
It is the light that leads the way
Each and every day.Here, He teaches and corrects us;
Here, it proclaims our Lord Jesus!
Hi there! I was inspired to write this based on my devotion.
I wondered if I was "eating" His Word rightly...understanding it properly, meditating on it, and applying it in my life. There were times when I felt like it that I would be more focus, but when I didn't, I did it halfheartedly. That was wrong of me, and I wanted to do my best on meditating on His Word, so I ask you to pray for me, and I'll be praying for you as well!
I hope you guys are meditating and savoring His Word well!Have a blessed day! 😊❤️
PoetryThese are poems that I was inspired to make. I hope you enjoy. Have a blessed day!