Prologue - Arrival

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A/N: No Ezekiel yet but in the next chapter you will get to know a lot more!

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You were cowering behind a shelf in a supermarket close to the airport. The only sound you heard was your erratic breathing after you had to run to get here. There wasn't much left in the small building. The outbreak had caused the crowds at the airport to panic and you had barely made it out of there alive. The walkers had taken over but you had managed to get away and sought refuge in here – at least for a short while.

Your flight had been one of the last ones that actually took off and arrived uneventfully. A few hours here, and the panic had begun. People wanted to leave immediately but the flights never took off. You and thousands of people had to wait at the airport, no cabs or busses or trains. Nothing. So you decided to take matters in your own hands before the horrified people stamped you to death or stole your belongings and then fled.

Slowly but steadily, you had been making your way through the crowds, finding a way to leave the airport as you did. When you had managed to get out, you just started to walk in no specific direction – the only goal was to get away from the masses. But that was harder than anticipated. The people were everywhere – not just the living ones. You had no idea what was going on but your instincts had guided you.

That was how you'd landed here after a day or two. Luckily, you had been able to live from the few edible things in your purse – a few chocolate bars and a bottle of water. But now your supplies were depleted. Sitting on the cold floor, you let your eyes roam the shelves. You found a few helpful things – some knives, a few cans of food and some bottles of water. You put everything in an abandoned rucksack you found nearby and, with a map in your hand, you decided to go and look for your brother.

Little did you know that you would lose him so soon after finally finding him.

Or that you would gain something else in return that would change your life completely.

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