Chapter 15 - Back to Before

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Ezekiel's POV

Days went by very slowly. Everything was back to normal. He was back to normal. Well, at least the kind of normal Ezekiel knew from before he met you. Waking up alone, meeting the day's obligations. Then, in the evening, going to bed alone, lying awake, pondering, and then at some point falling asleep. It hadn't seemed as lonely before, not with all the wonderful people surrounding him all day, but now that you weren't here anymore, it did.

He wanted to share everything with you... what had happened that day, no matter how silly, he wanted to tell you how he felt, the ideas he had for the Kingdom's future. It was only a short amount of time since you had left, but he already missed you and he wondered if you felt the same. And whether he'd ever see you again to tell you.

With a deep sigh, he made his way to the truck. It was one of the days they had to deliver their produce to the Saviors. Cantaloupes this time. He made sure that they had the right amount, which he had to admit wasn't much. At least in comparison to what the Saviors took from your group. But it still didn't feel right. His people could use the food, and they deserved it. It was theirs.

But to go to war for a couple of cantaloupes? He couldn't risk that, could he?

It wasn't just about the cantaloupes, he knew that and he also knew that their peace wasn't very stable. Lately, Richard couldn't really contain himself around the Saviors. And even Benjamin had advised him to join Rick's group. Maybe everyone else would want to fight as well. That's what he was scared of.

The others got in the truck, no time to contemplate what was right. When they drove off, Ezekiel thought about you for a moment and what you'd make of all this. He wished you were there, that you'd squeeze his hand and give him a kiss before he'd have to leave. But that would never happen again, either way. He hoped it would be because the Saviors were beaten and he wouldn't have to go meet them ever again.

He hoped they wouldn't ever be a danger again to the people he loved.

* * *

Your POV

Daryl and you were headed to the Hilltop. It was safer for him, but you'd leave soon to get to Alexandria. The Saviors probably didn't miss you, you hadn't left such a memorable first impression on them, so you'd rather help the others in Alexandria. Maybe it was also because you still felt a little guilty and wanted to contribute.

When you arrived, you greeted Sasha, Enid, Jesus and Maggie. You were glad that they were all okay and that no one was angry or upset with you. In fact, Maggie was rather concerned when she heard that you wanted to go back outside alone.

"You can stay here, you know," she said. "You'd be just as useful."

You shook your head. "Just another risk for when the Saviors come. I'll go back to Alexandria."

"At least stay the night and get some rest," she proposed.

Reluctantly, you nodded and decided to spend the rest of the evening at Abraham's grave. It was strange that he was here as well, but it was also calming... to know that you were close to him. Still, you wouldn't stay here. Tomorrow, you'd leave and make your way to Alexandria. And then you'd find a way to win this war.

* * *

Ezekiel's POV

They were late for the meeting with the Saviors, something that never happened, Ezekiel made sure of that. This time, they had to stop on their way to the meeting point, because someone had built a barricade of shopping carts. The person had dug a grave with the sign "Bury me here" behind one of the buildings but it had been empty. Ezekiel wondered who did it, it was shocking how easily this world could drive one mad. They had often driven past this place and there hadn't been any incidents. Today, everything was different.

They were one cantaloupe short. One. Ezekiel himself had counted them and he knew for a fact that they had brought the right amount. It was like a nightmare. Everyone was tense, one of the Saviors had already hit Jerry, provocatively with Morgan's stick, and they had drawn their guns at each other like madman. Ezekiel felt that they were all on edge, no exceptions. Gavin had demanded that they hand over their guns. Now they were short on produce, had lost their guns and Gavin was pissed off. This wasn't looking good at all. How could he make this right?

"You have to learn the stakes here," Gavin said to him. "So we're gonna teach you."

Ezekiel put his hands up in the air, trying to calm them down. "You don't have to do anything. We'll get you twice the tribute in an hour."

"Now is the only time that matters," Gavin replied, calmly but sternly. "And right now, you haven't held up your side of the bargain."

He continued to talk, promising that they'd deal with the situation right now. Ezekiel listened with unease, knowing what the Saviors idea of dealing with problems was. One of Gavin's men then drew his gun and pointed it at Richard. Everything stopped moving around them, the air was tense. Only Richard didn't seem to be scared. He mumbled a 'Just do it' and moved closer to the gun.

Then everything happened all at once, the Saviors fired a shot but instead of aiming at Richard, he shot past him.

And hit Benjamin.

* * *

Your POV

The next morning, Sasha brought you some food and water to take with you. You had wanted to leave earlier but they had insisted you sleep in and eat. Which was reasonable, you had looked like hell arriving at the Hilltop. Currently, you were alone with Sasha in Jesus' trailer.

"I'm sorry," you said before she left. It was just an impulse, the guilt speaking.

"For what?" she asked with a frown.

"For not convincing Ezekiel," you explained. "Well, actually I'm not sorry. I'm glad I didn't but I know that this makes things so much harder for us."

Sasha shook her head, giving you a weak smile. "It's okay. You love him, I know what that's like. Thanks to him."

You thought of Abraham and how happy he had been when he'd told you that he was with her. Your heart ached for her, and because of the loss of your brother. When you were around her, it hurt a lot more. Maybe it felt the same for her when she saw you. You didn't want to think about Ezekiel, but it was hard not to.

"You and Abraham were so different, and still... when I see you, you always remind me of him," Sasha said.

"You remind me of him too... of a happy version of him," you replied with a smile that she returned. It was easy to love Sasha, you realized.

She then walked over to give you a hug. You knew you'd probably see her again soon, fighting. And that was a thought you liked. To fight by her side – for Abraham.

* * *

After you had said goodbye to the others, you left the Hilltop. You decided not to get back to Alexandria straight away, but look for weapons and other useful things while you were out there. Actually, it did feel good to not be trapped inside of walls for a while. You remembered what it felt like right in the beginning, when you were still looking for Abraham. A small part of you wished you were still in that situation – everyone was still alive, you'd soon see your brother for the first time. But then again, you wouldn't have met Ezekiel yet and you wouldn't know what his love feels like. Who you were back then was gone now and would never return. Which was mainly a good thing. No reason to dwell on the past.

You were exploring all day, and you indeed had found an old cabin. You'd stay the night there and search it for anything useful. Because there was still a walker trapped inside the door, you concluded that there hadn't been anyone here yet. You found a gun under the mattress in the bedroom, not much ammo left but better than nothing.

It felt weird to sleep in there, so far away from the Kingdom and Ezekiel. You had quickly got used to it, sleeping in his arms every night, and now it was hard for you to fall asleep at all. You were pretty safe in here but still... at first, when you came to Alexandria, it was hard to get used to living in a community. Now it was the other way around. You couldn't wait for this to be over.

With your fingers fiddling with the necklace around your neck, the one Ezekiel had given to you, you eventually fell asleep. A smile on your face when you dreamt about your lover and the life you'd have when all this would be over.

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