Chapter 4 - The Zookeeper

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You awoke after having a good night's rest, notably the first in weeks. In the beginning it took you a while to remember what happened when you woke up in a room so far away from Alexandria. But after a few nights here in the Kingdom you felt safe enough to actually let go and just sleep for a few hours.

Two days ago, you started teaching a group of people how to throw knives and how to use them in close combat. Additionally, you helped out whenever someone needed you, mostly watering plants or hanging out the laundry. You had noticed Morgan watching you a few times, but he didn't strike up a conversation with you again, although you still didn't know what he wanted to tell you the other day.

Other than that, you got along quite nicely with the people here – though you wouldn't let them too close to you. Seeing new faces distracted you from thinking about Alexandria, but after losing Abraham you knew that it wasn't an advantage to care too much about someone. Telling Ezekiel the story of your brother's death had been a spontaneous and potentially stupid decision, but you didn't regret it. Talking about it had helped you organize your thoughts, and you trusted him of sorts. Not completely yet, but still enough for him to know that.

After breakfast you decided to walk around a bit since you still had some time to kill before your lessons. At first you just took in your new but also slowly familiar-getting surroundings. The royal gardens were still your favorite place but you weren't there too often without Ezekiel. But since the whole Kingdom was full of green patches, you liked almost every part of it.

When you were passing the gate, you stumbled upon a truck standing right in front of it. Richard – who was one of the man you often saw with Ezekiel - Morgan, and a few others were standing next to it. One of them was Benjamin, a younger resident of the Kingdom. You knew he had a younger brother, you had seen him train with Morgan once. The boys were refreshing, but so were most of the people here.

The whole ensemble left you wondering where they were planning to go to. Right as you wanted to approach them, you felt a hand on your shoulder. King Ezekiel was standing right behind you, giving you a smile when you turned to face him. He was wearing something else today, a black coat over a chest protector. He also had some kind of scepter. Apparently he was dressed to go with the others.

"Good morning, (Y/N)," he greeted you.

"Good morning, Your Majesty." You smiled back at him, your heart beating a bit faster with the way his hand was still resting on your shoulder. "How... are you today?"

"Thank you, I am feeling very well," he answered. "But you seem a bit restless. Did you not sleep well?"

"Oh, I slept very well," you quickly said. "I was just... going for a walk before my lessons. I'm always a bit early."

The skin around his eyes crinkled as his smile grew wider. "I am happy to hear that and at the same time very glad that you are enjoying the work you do here with us."

"I do. And you're... heading out today?" you hesitantly asked.

"Yes, indeed. I have some business to attend to," he explained. „Nothing to be concerned about. And speaking about it, we'll leave any second. I wish you a very nice day, (Y/N). And do not hesitate to visit Shiva again, she is in her cage."

With those words, he strode off towards the truck. You remained on your spot, watching him as he interacted with the others in his usual royal manner. He put a hand on Benjamin's shoulder in passing and gave Morgan a bright smile. In that moment you felt a strange curiosity. All you wanted was to see how he'd act without all this... his true self. But you weren't sure if he'd ever reveal it to you.

With a sigh, you left towards the stand with the targets to prepare the knife throwing lesson, trying to ignore the silly thoughts on your mind.

Later, after you were finished with work, you decided to do what the king had said and visit Shiva. You found her where you expected. Her cage was big enough for her to roam around but still it wasn't pleasing to see her in there. You liked it a lot more when she was out and about with Ezekiel close by. The two of them were a pair that you wouldn't ever want to see separated and to visit the majestic animal without her just as majestic owner felt strange.

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