Chapter 18 - The Reunion

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A/N: This is going to be the last part for now. Maybe I'll write a sequel when the new season comes out, we'll see :)

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The metal of the gun accustomed to your body temperature as the Scavanger continued to hold it to your temple, the cold no longer sensible. The thing was – at some point, he'd pull the trigger and your head better not be close to it when he did.

So when he got distracted by the fight of Michonne and another Scavanger on the balcony on the other side of the street, you ducked, rammed your elbow in his stomach and then grabbed one of your knives. The guy reacted, trying to aim at you again but you were too fast, hitting the gun out of his hand with the handle of your knife so that it fell off the roof. You wanted to stab him with then, but he was blocking your arm with his hand and pushed you backwards. You didn't really have anything to hold on to, you barely managed to stay on your feet. In the meantime, the guy had grabbed two of your knives. You sighed. Shit.

You took a deep breath and observed him. Both of you were waiting for the other to move first. It felt like time had stopped and everything happened in slow-motion. The adrenaline sharpened your senses and you noticed every little movement he made.

Finally, he threw one of the knives and you knew it even before you saw it. You managed to avoid it but you also knew that he had a second knife. He wasn't stupid, he threw it in the other direction. The one you had moved in. And although you had seen it coming, it was impossible to avoid both of the knives. While he had been distracted with aiming, though, you had thrown your own knife – precisely. It all happened at the same time. Right when the guy's second one hit you, your knife hit him right in the head.

You felt a sharp pain in your side, blood soaked your shirt. Lifting the hem, relief spread out in you. The knife hadn't hit you full-force but just brushed your side so it wasn't stuck in your body. It had left a cut, a relatively deep one, but it hadn't done any real damage besides the heavy bleeding. That was good, well at least it wasn't fatal. You could stop the bleeding and then help the others. He hadn't killed you, you wouldn't die.

Because you didn't have anything with you on the roof, you used the guy's shirt as a makeshift bandage around your waist, right where the knife had grazed it. It still bled through the fabric, so you had to wait a little and then change the bandage again. It was annoying, you lost a lot of time and blood while you heard shots and screams echoing through the air.

Your formerly beige shirt was red now, your hands covered in slowly drying blood, but other than that, you felt alright. You wanted to fight with the others, for Abraham. The pain while walking was very inconvenient though, so you grabbed your knives and started to throw them at the Saviors or Scavangers you recognized from your position on the roof. You hit a few of them, not always deadly, but you at least stopped them from killing your friends.

When you had only a few knives left, you paused and still saw Michonne fighting on the balcony, deciding to help her. Throwing a knife at her opponent was impossible if you didn't want to accidently hit herself. That's why you walked downstairs with your gun raised, planning to get to her. It took you forever, since you needed to stop multiple time because of the pain and you didn't want the cut to bleed again.

When you were finally down on the street, a scream pierced through the air and you heard a body hit the ground. Fear took hold of you, but when you looked who it was, you calmed down. Michonne had made it, it was the other woman who had fallen down.

There was no time now to linger around, you grabbed your gun and started to walk. It was in that moment that you heard a loud roar. You froze in your spot. Could that be? Another roar reached your ears, a little quieter this time. You didn't know if you had lost enough blood to hallucinate or if it was wishful thinking, but if Ezekiel was here... you needed to find him.

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