Rhaena Targaryen

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*Timeline is a little weird but will straighten out farther into the story, things are really mashed up, really sorry about that.*

Rhaena Targaryen stood with her shoulders pushed back, hands clasped, and hair in an intricate style. Her blonde locks had become a trademark of hers, everyone knew of the blonde haired girl that Ned Stark fathered. The cloak had been pulled over her hair to hide it from over analyzing eyes, the world wasn't safe for Targaryens, and Ned Stark had two on his hands.

The North had become her home, she had been taken in by Ned Stark, it had been decided by Rhaegar himself, if anyone was to take care of his children it would be Lyanna, but gods rest her soul, Ned stepped up to care for the children. He claimed Rhaena and Jon as his own illegitimate children, bearing the wrath of his wife as he returned home with two children in his arms. Rhaena hadn't been called by her name in years, instead for her own safety she had been going by her middle name Elyssa.

"Elyssa, come here please." Ned Stark called the child over to him.

"King Robert Baratheon will be coming to visit my family and I, you are in a lot more danger than Jon. I need to know what you would like to do," Ned knew that the girl was smart, maybe too smart sometimes, she was obviously the product of her father. "Would you like to stay here or would you like to evacuate until they are gone, we could house you at the Dreadfort or even the Iron Isles?"

"I'd like to look into the face of the man who murdered my father, I'd like Jon to look into the face of the man who murdered our father." Unbeknownst to everyone except for Rhaena, Rhaegar lived on, he had evacuated to Old Valariya after the battle at the Trident. He wrote Rhaena frequently, he told her of his week and shared knowledge with the girl. He told her stories of how she would rise to the Iron Throne with her father by her side one day, her father and her brother.

"You are not to harm them, I will have to do something I would not like to do if you did." Ned knew that there was fire in her veins, more fire than Jon had, and probably more fire than many other Targaryens held in their veins.

"I would never harm his children, but If he were to ever give me the chance I would have his head off of his shoulders in a moment." She spoke so strongly sometimes Ned forgot that he was speaking to a girl of five and ten. She was so wise he often looked to her to solve problems between the other children, and that she did even if she did show slight favoritism towards Jon and Theon.

"Rhaena Elyssa Targaryen do not lay a hand on Robert Baratheon, swear it." Ned stressed this to the child, Robert was not the only one with a grudge against the Targaryen House, and if she were to harm him people may assume things.

"I swear by the old gods and the new, I will not lay a hand onto the fat lard of an Usurper that we call king." The child turned and stormed away, blonde hair exposed as her hood fell off of her head.

"Gods be good to Robert Baratheon." Ned knew that if anyone needed to be afraid it was Robert, he was unaware of the tyrant that roamed the halls of Winterfell.


They were all lined up outside waiting for the royal family to arrive, she glared into the distance, hoping that Robert would suffer a heart attack as soon as he stepped foot out of the carriage.

The order was simple, youngest to oldest, oldest closer to Ned. It went Rickon, Bran, Arya, Sansa, Jon, Rhaena, and then Robb. Robb closest to his father as he was heir to Winterfell. Her cloak was down, almost mocking Robert, blonde Targaryen hair housed by his own best friend.

"I think I see them, I wonder if Joffrey is really as dreamy as I've heard?" Sansa was a girl, a summers girl who had never experienced anything bad in her life. Rhaena loved her for it though, nothing had broken her and as long as Rhaena was around she would never go through anything.

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