Rhaena Targaryen

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Rhaena sat with her hands placed daintily on her lap. Ned was sat across from her in the dining hall and Sansa to her right, to her left was Myrcella, the younger girl had taken a liking to her recently.

Sansa whispered something into Rhaena's ear but Rhaena didn't quite catch it as it came almost as fast as it went.

"What did you say love?" Rhaena casted a dreamy gaze at Sansa, her eyes seemed full of wonder and Sansa got caught up in her deep, blue irises.

"I said, I wish to accompany you today with Cersei." Rhaena smiled at her, her sweet sister was always so nosey.

"I fear that you cannot, you should arrange to meet with her by yourself, she is your betrothed's mother." Sansa frowned at her, Rhaena could read it in her face that she was scared of the woman, and she had good reason, Cersei could be quite scary.

"Please Elyssa" Sansa opened her eyes wide and begged to her. She clasped her fingers together and frowned at the older girl.

Rhaena looked at her from the side of
her eye as she turned back to Ned. Not today, definitely not today, today Rhaena has to talk to Cersei about Joffrey, where was this marriage proposal from?

"Tomorrow, you can come tomorrow." Rhaena then went back into a conversation with Ned about this duties and about letters from Robb.

"I miss Robb so, father." Arya sighed aloud, Rhaena frowned at the girl, they all did but that didn't need to be said in Kings Landing.

Ned leaned down and whispered something into the young girls ears, something that made her grin from ear to ear. It was the happiest Rhaena had seen Arya look since they had arrived in the lions den.

Breakfast ended when Ned announced that he had a meeting to attend. Rhaena left soon after him, Sansa and Marcella decided to have tea in the gardens, and Arya ran off to find someone to bother.


Jaime sat in Cersei's chambers, his hands in his hair as he seethed with his anger towards Rhaena. The girl drove him insane, the way she pranced around like she owned something, she was a bastard she owned nothing more than the hair on her head.

"Calm down, she is a child." Cersei laughed aloud at her brothers distress. Rhaena and Cersei had shared too many laughs about ways they could drive jaime to his wits.

"I am aware of that but she is a penniless bastard that acts as if she owns the entire seven kingdoms." Jaime roared as he stood and paced the room, he ran his hands through his already messy hair and looked at his sister.

Cersei knelt down, a queen on her knees, as jaime ran his fingers through her golden hair. As he and Cersei committed their own treasonous secret Jaime couldn't help but wish it could have been Rhaena kneeled at his feet.


Rhaena giggled in the arms of the knight that held her, she was having a bit of fun before she went to speak with Cersei. He was handsome, strong, and quite funny in Rhaena's opinion. He was young as she had just learned, a young seven and ten, a man grown but hardly so. He did well of looking the part though so Rhaena didn't complain.

"Why are you looking at me like that girl?" The knight raised an eyebrow as Rhaena smiled while she broke from her thoughts, she wiggled a bit on his lap as he tickled her sides.

"Can i not look at you, Ser Braedon?" He smiled up at her as she lifted herself above him. He grabbed her waist and hoisted her higher up,

"Oh! You're such a brute." Rhaena laughed as she hit at his arms.

"Let's say, you and I meet up again after dinner, though this time in a more private setting and I show you how much of a brute I can be?" Braedon laughed as she pushed at his face,

"How dare you accuse me of being a cheap whore?" Rhaena smirked at him as she stood to go, "Maybe I will find you, maybe I won't, only time will tell."

Rhaena pressed a kiss onto his lips and moved to pull back but he grabbed her head and pulled her in deeper. Rhaena wrapped her arms around his torso and smiled into the kiss.

"Elyssa," Ned's voice cut through the garden as he stared at the young lovers.

Rhaena pulled away quickly and looked at her father, her face as red as her dress,

"Father, I am so sorry for this." Ned Stark looked at the boy as he adjusted his armor, the boy was a decently known knight, Ser Braedon of Riverrun. He was amazing with an axe but could tear down men with a sword like it was an extension of his arm. But right now he was a boy with his daughter, and this was unacceptable.

"Come with me now, girl." Rhaena followed behind him with no hesitation, her footsteps were light and contrasted with the heavy footsteps of her father. Rhaena couldn't help but to look back at the knight, and regretted doing so instantly. Braedon stood laughing silently at the girl, he had his mouth covered as he pointed childishly at her. Rhaena glared at him and put up her middle finger as she turned back around to her fathers back.

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