Rhaena Targaryen

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Rhaena was sat next to Bran, Ned had managed to make Catelyn leave long enough to bathe and check on the other children, so Rhaena figured she would catch Bran up on what was happening. Rhaena was telling him about how Jon had decided to leave for the Nightswatch and how the girls were going to Kingslanding because Robert had asked Ned to be the hand of the king. Rhaena had decided that she would go with them to keep Sansa and Arya safe, if anyone could do it, it was her. She was in the middle of telling him a story when she heard a scream and the roar of flames, the crackling was so loud she could hear it from Bran's room but the sound of the door opening was louder. Her heartbeat quickened as she felt for the blade that she always kept on herself. She was immediately on alert, she grabbed the small throwing knife she kept and turned to see the figure looking at her.

"Leave now." Rhaena said it as strong as she could, her voice sounding nearly as commanding as the Kings, but the man didn't move for the door instead he lunged toward Bran and Rhaena was blinded by rage. She threw herself onto the man, ripping his hands away from Bran and slicing his arm in the process, her eyes were a violent purple and she didn't care that she was getting blood on her gown. She threw the man onto the floor, he wasn't skilled at all, probably new and sent to kill a sleeping cripple, it was an easy job if Rhaena hadn't of been there. He rolled closer to the fireplace and tried to stand but before he got to his feet Rhaena stabbed the blade into his hand.

"Who sent you?" She demanded as she twisted the knife into his hand, the scream of agony alerted all of the guards nearby but more importantly it woke up summer, the wolf had been in a deep sleep but as the man screamed his eyes snapped open and he jumped into action. He barred his teeth and growled deeply at the man, Rhaena jumped backwards when the large wolf lunged at the mans throat. She hadn't gotten an answer, but she knew that somebody wanted Bran Stark dead and she would give them hell for it.

The guards arrived a few moments after and lifted the corpse off of the ground as Summer stayed on the bed closer to Bran than before. Rhaena slid out of the door as they arrived, She had some questions to ask and Jaime Lannister would answer them.


Rhaena found Jaime in his chambers the following night, he seemed to be looking over battle plans and sipping a cup of wine, Rhaena didn't bother to knock, if he had a problem with it he would get over it. Jaime looked at the girl with lazy eyes,

"Yes Lady Elyssa?" Rhaena motioned for the guards to leave and closed the large door behind them. Jaime didn't look concerned at all, in fact he looked quite bored even given that the entire castle was on lock down as Bran was nearly killed.

"Just Rhaena here, what do you know of this dagger?" Rhaena had taken it from the hand of the man when she tackled him, it was far to expensive for a man that looked like him. He was disposable to whomever had sent him, a cheap low boy not a trained assassin, but she supposed it shouldn't have taken much to kill a sleeping cripple.

"I haven't seen any like this, but if you ask my brother he may help you." Jaime went back to his battle plans and Rhaena remained staring at him, he was ages older than her but it suited him so well. The smile lines and vague crows feet near his eyes were the most obvious signs of his age but the way that he fought could only be perfected by a man that had fought many years.

"Yes my lady?" Jaime looked over at the girl, he hadn't truly looked at her when she entered the room but as he did he took in a deep breath. The girl was wearing a long sleeved gown with a high neck line and a sheer flowing bottom, she seemed to defy the northern weather. Her long blonde hair was flowing down her back with two braids going straight back to keep the front out of her face. She looked beautiful, Jaime Lannister knew that he shouldn't have been looking at the girl like that but he couldn't help it, she was ages younger than him and yet she still made something in him roar.

"Would you like to accompany me for a walk?" Rhaena truly just wanted to get out of the castle and Jaime seemed like he needed to take a break anyway. She knew that most of the others were asleep or in their chambers doing whatever they wished. Her wide eyes made it hard for Jaime to do anything other than stand from his chair and offer her his arm.

"Why would such a sweet girl want the kingslayer to go for a walk with her in the middle of the night?" Jaime smirked down at the girl, she sent him a cunning look before strolling ahead of him,

"Can I not enjoy the protection of my personal guard?" Rhaena turned an sent him what could have been a sweet smile had her eyes not flashed with mischief. When they finally escaped the castle Rhaena took off into the darkness, her white gown disappearing into the night leaving Jaime puzzled.

Jaime took off in the direction he had seen her go, when he came to a wall he realized what this was, it was a hunt and he seemed to be the prey. He snapped his head when he heard the snapping of a twig but Rhaena was perfectly calculated she readied herself for the kill as Jaime looked in the opposite direction. She moved so close he could hear her breaths but she quickly retreated into the shadows as he turned around, then she pounced, she wrapped herself around the man, her hair falling into his mouth and covering his eyes as she laughed until she couldn't breath. Jaime Lannister had been caught, but as he listened to her laughing he couldn't help but to join her until they were both laughing on the ground.

"I've caught you." Rhaena rolled onto her side to look at him, her smile nearly blinded him even in the moonlight. She grabbed his hand and played with his rough fingers, she could nearly feel the weight of the sword that he kept.

"You've caught me." Rhaena rolled over so that she was on top of Jaime blonde hair falling back into his face before she pulled it behind her ears. He trailed his hands up her figure, she was so unlike Cersei, her frame was delicate and light, she was slim and toned where Cersei was flesh and wide hips, Cersei was a woman and Rhaena was a girl. But even as those thoughts ran through his head he still pressed his lips against Rhaena's and felt her melt into him, their lips molding together perfectly.

"I've caught you kingslayer."

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