Rhaena Targaryen

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Rhaena sat with Theon, Jon, and Robb in her chambers, all of them passing around a bottle of wine that Rhaena had taken from the kitchens. Theon was in the middle of telling a story about some whore that he had shagged a few days ago when a knock sounded at her door.

Robb stood to get it but Rhaena beat him there, she didn't want it to be Catelyn who would question why she had all three boys in her room after dark. But when she opened the door she was greeted by little Arya Stark, the brown haired girl looked up at Rhaena who raised an eyebrow to her.

"What are you doing out of bed little one?" Arya admired Rhaena, the girl was so fierce and strong it was hard not to.

"I want to hang out with you guys." Rhaena turned and looked at Robb, he was the oldest which meant that he had to make the decision. Robb responded with a shrug and Rhaena turned to let the girl in, the small girl slid into the room and onto Jon's lap.

Rhaena checked the hall before turning to close the door, her behind her, they would all be going different directions in the morning so what could it hurt.

The bunch of them shared laughs and stories until the sun began to rise, Arya had long since gone to bed, falling asleep in Jon's lap. Rhaena had told him to just place the girl into her bed, her chambers were across the castle, too far for any of the drunken men to carry a sleeping girl.

Rhaena climbed into bed next to her and placed a sweet kiss onto her head before she turned over and fell asleep.

It didn't last long, Arya managed to twirl the blankets around her self and swung at Rhaena anytime she tried to take some away. But it wasn't until she felt a kick in her back that Rhaena stood up out of her bed.

When she reached her destination she knocked slowly, half asleep she hoped that Jaime was awake.

When the door opened Rhaena didn't say anything to the man, she simply slid in and fell into his bed. She was asleep before her head even reached the pillow.


"Have you seen Lady Arya!" Rhaena was awoken with a start, her blonde hair in a mess of a braid and sleep in her eyes.

"Oh I apologize, Lady Elyssa, I did not mean to wake you." The maid blushed as she realized that Rhaena had been asleep in Jaime Lannister's chambers.

"Yes, she's in my chambers." Jaime let out a chuckle at the grumbling girl. He had let her sleep in until nearly the entire castle was awake, when she had arrived late in the night she looked half dead.

"Good morning Lady Elyssa," the handmaiden entered the room and sent a small smile to the Knight and the Lady. "Shall I run your bath in here this morning?" She nodded toward the tub and Rhaena nodded her head barely thinking about the man next to her.

"Lavender or Rose?"

"Cinnamon." Rhaena didn't know why the maids didn't know of this already, she always chose cinnamon for her bath. They usually had to run through the castle to find it but this didn't concern Rhaena, they should have learned.

"She'll have Rose," Jaime smiled apologetically at the maid, they didn't have the time for her to find the oil and besides Rhaena would learn to live without it in the south, they didn't use cinnamon for bathing. "We don't have the time."

Rhaena glared at the man, she hadn't slept well and now he was making her decisions for her. Rhaena was already stressed about moving south and all that she wanted was a soothing bath.

"I wish to bathe in my chambers." Her tone was unquestionable, the maid froze where she was and began preparing to move the oils.

Rhaena turned and left the room quickly, as she glided through the castle she thought about what was happening later today. She would be leaving to live in the south, to be married to a lord or a knight, to be a wife.

"Good morning lady Elyssa?" Robb stood in the hallway and Rhaena nearly died when she realized how indecent she must have looked. Her hair was in a mess of a braid, a wrinkled night gown, and her face still looked of sleep.

"Not a good morning my lord, join me and I'll tell you of it."

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