Cersei Lannister

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Jaime sat next to his sister and Joffery, they were all gathered for breakfast once again but there was a certain person missing. Rhaena hadn't arrived for breakfast yet and she wasn't in her bed this morning when Ned went to look for her.

"Good morning, I apologize for being late your grace." Rhaena Targaryen looked absolutely radiant, she even managed to beam a smile to Robert Baratheon who sat at the head of the table deep in conversation with Ned.

She took her seat at the table next to Robb and Sansa, an odd spot for a bastard but it seemed to work between the hoard of children Ned had fathered. Sansa wasn't to sit near Arya, Arya not near Jon, Jon not near Rhaena, and Robb couldn't be near Theon during meals, it wasn't smart to break the order.

Sansa greeted the girl with a matching smile, the two girls looked lovely sitting next to each other but they were destined for different paths in life. Sansa was to marry Joffery and become the queen of the seven kingdoms and Rhaena could do whatever she wished, though once the truth was revealed things would change quite a lot.

"What had you this morning child?" Cersei was curious to say the least, she was interested in the young girl that she had heard Jaime speak of, he often told her of the young beauty that used to roam the halls of the red keep. She was as beautiful as he had said, even more so, she was quite a beauty in Cersei's opinion.

"I was out on a walk, your grace." She smiled back at the older lion, the woman had been pleasant to her in her time, had even asked her to show her around Winterfell later in the day. She reminded her so much of her past self, if she could help her in anyway she would, she wouldn't let the girl fall into the game of men.

"More like snogging one of the knights." Arya mumbled under her breath, she had once caught the older girl with an even older knight. He wasn't too much older but he was quite a bit older than her.

"What can I say, I like them older," She smirked at the girl then continued, "but that was not what I was doing, I was truly out for a walk." Cersei wanted to laugh at the girls comment but found it inappropriate, Jaime looked amused and smiled at the girl who seemed indifferent by the jest.

"Well I hope you haven't tired yourself, you've promised me a tour." Sansa looked appalled if anybody was to give the queen a tour it should have been her, she was to be the girls daughter eventually.

Rhaena smiled at the queen before assuring her that she would never be too tired to give her a proper tour of the grounds. Winterfell was large so they would begin soon after breakfast and probably wouldn't end until later that night.

Jaime looked at the girl, she seemed to get along with everyone, she knew how to balance herself to everybody's liking all without changing herself, If she were to come to kings Landing, she would probably win the hearts of everyone that spoke to her.


Cersei stood slightly behind the girl as they exited the castle, Rhaena thought it best if she began with the outside during midday so that the sun would warm them as much as possible.

"Little Rhaena Targaryen, I thought what Jaime had told me was a lie." Rhaena stopped in her tracks, too many people were beginning to know her true identity and the more people that knew the worse.

"Do not fear little love, if anyone won't tell their husband something it is me." Rhaena turned to look at the woman, Cersei had been known to be a fierce lioness, protecting her children no matter the cost. But a dragon could burn an entire pride with a sneeze.

"Yes i'm sure that Robert Baratheon is blissfully unaware of the illegitimate children you've birthed to your brother." Cersei froze in her skin, the girl knew more than she thought, but once she looked at the indifferent look on the girls face she knew she wouldn't tell anyone.

"My family did it for years, I myself am the product of two Targaryen cousins." Rhaena smirked as she continued, incest to her was something taboo, based on her upbringing in the north and the only Targaryen near her was Jon and she would never lay with him, he was too young.

"Now right over here your grace is my favorite place to bring my dearest knights." She pushed through a large wooden door, it was near the crypts and nearly invisible to anybody that wasn't looking for it, it had once been used for storage but it had grown dark and far from anywhere people wanted to go.

Cersei concluded that Rhaena was better than any other girl, woman, or man Cersei had ever met. Rhaena smiled at the woman and sent her a knowing wink, but a loud scream broke through Winterfell at the exact same time, even down near the crypts she heard it loud and clear.

The two looked at each other before hurrying to the source of the screaming, the both of them fearing the worst.

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