Rhaena Targaryen

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Rhaena sat in the carriage next to Sansa and Cersei, Arya had opted not to sit in the warm carriage but to ride next to her father. Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen all sat across from the three all of them smiling and giggling as Rhaena told them childish stories.

"And then the lion leapt from her den and in front of her babies so fast that the dogs couldn't even see her coming-" Rhaena cut her sentence short as the carriage came to a halt. They had arrived at the camp they would be staying at for a night, maybe two.

"We have arrived your graces." Cersei grabbed the waiting hand and allowed him to help her out. Rhaena smiled at the boy as he gently helped her onto her feet, the boy was no older than Sansa and looked as nervous as could be. Rhaena placed a sweet kiss on his cheek before she turned and walked away to find something to occupy her.

Rhaena spotted Jaime as soon as she stepped down but had decided that she wouldn't keep his company this trip but instead make a new friend. Almost as soon as she thought that an interesting fellow came along, The Hound stood nearly two feet higher than her and was three times as large.

"Excuse me Lord Clegane." Rhaena smiled up at him, he was twice her age but he seemed friendly enough if you asked her.

"Yer excused girl, keep goin'" Sandor looked down at the girl her lovely face was something that he had heard tales of but he hadn't expected her to be this lovely.

"What are you going to do?" Rhaena was most definitely bored and had lost Cersei a while ago, though she was quite mature she still got bored as a child did.

"None of yer business, now run along." Sandor nearly tripped over her when she didn't move. His eyes cut at her as she smiled sweetly at him, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"I want to know,"


"Well why not?"

"Because yer bein' a pain in my arse."

"I know that."

"Go away."

"I'll be back later, Hound." Rhaena turned and walked away quickly. Sandor rolled his eyes at her behavior, he hadn't expected her to actually speak to him, most didn't. But Rhaena had the nerve to annoy him and then walk away as if she hadn't done anything.

Rhaena decided to go and find Ned, he was probably somewhere near Robert and though she hated him with her entire being, Ned was her dad.

She heard them long before she saw them, their boisterous laughter echoed around the camp. The large room that they had occupied seemed too large for the small castle and the small detailing caught Rhaena's eyes before she even saw the men.   

"Father, I'm bored." Ned Stark stood with Robert Baratheon and Jaime Lannister, they had a clear map of Westeros in front of them but on top of it sat a bottle of ale. They were drunk, very drunk. 

When Rhaena entered the room the men had all turned to look at her. Robert and Jaime's eyes wandered down the slit of her gown, it was cut low just beneath her breast, then it had a sheer layer over the skirt. It was a simple gown but not weather appropriate, it was freezing outside according to Cersei and Sansa, the two had disappeared into the castle soon after they'd arrived. 

"Go and find Sansa." Ned didn't look at the young girl, instead he looked at the king and the kingslayer that stood on either side of him. The two men were practically drooling over his daughter despite being at least twice her age. 

"I don't want to, her and Cersei are off being boring." Rhaena slid farther into the room and allowed the door to close behind her, Robert hadn't taken his eyes off of the young beauty and it was beginning to annoy Rhaena, Jaime, however, could look as long as he wanted. 

"Come here girl." Rhaena rolled her eyes at Roberts drunken request and moved closer to the table but to the side with Jaime and her father. 

"Absolutely not." Ned glared down at the girl, she was an angry fool, but gods she was beautiful. Robert wouldn't do anything to her because of that and she knew it. 

"Would you like to go for a walk, My lady?" Ned could have killed him on the spot but Jaime was better than Robert for the fact that he wasn't married. 

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