Epilogue: See you again soon

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*Juliana's Move-In Day at MIT*

"Well, Juliana, that was the last box. You're all unpacked now. Anything else you need help with?" Aunt Grace asked, resting her hands on her hips.

"Nope." Jules took a deep breath. "I think Lauren and I should be good."

Lauren Smalls was Juliana's roommate for the year; I really hoped that she and Juliana were going to get along well with each other. My worst nightmare was my girlfriend being over 1000 miles away from me with a bad roommate and no friends.

"Do you want us to wait for Lauren and her family to get back before we leave?"

"Nah." Juliana shook her head and took a seat on her bed. "I think the longer y'all stay, the harder it's gonna be when y'all do leave."

"Okay, Sweetie." Aunt Grace gave her a hug and kiss. Uncle Chris, Brandon, and Alex just hugged her. "We'll give you and Robbie a little bit of time alone before we head out."

Everyone left the room except Juliana and I. Jules was crying, so I wrapped my arms around her and just held her, letting her sob in my arms.

After a few minutes of that, I quietly said, "Hey, hey..." in an attempt to soothe her.

She looked up at me. "This sucks, Robbie."

"It's gonna be okay, Jules." I kissed her. "It's gonna be different, but it's still gonna be awesome."

"I'm going to miss you and Aunt Grace and Uncle Chris and Brandon and Alex so much. I know nobody here."

"You are an amazing person, Juliana, and any person that doesn't see that is an idiot. You're gonna make friends; trust me. Lauren seems cool. Doesn't she?"

"Yeah." She sniffled. "She's not half bad."

"See? You're going to be just fine."

Juliana nodded her head; she had finally stopped crying.

"Bye, Robbie." She started to tear up again.

"Jules." I smiled at her. "I have an idea. How about instead of bye we say see you again, soon? Bye just seems so finite."

She nodded. "See you again, soon, Robbie. I love you."

"I'll see you again, soon, too, Jules, and I love you more and plus one whatever you say."

We both smiled, and I pulled her in for once last hug and kiss before I left. "I'll call you tonight, alright?"

She pasted on a smile as I walked out the door and said, "Alright."

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