28. God is always good

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*2 Days Later*

Juliana and I spent her birthday cuddled up on the couch watching all kinds of movies because that is what she wanted to do.

Right now, we were at the funeral, and Juliana was having a hard time, just like I had expected. I mean, this funeral was her final goodbye here on Earth. Pastor Brad had just finished sharing some Scripture with everyone when he asked Juliana to come up.

She hesitated to let go of my hand.

"Want me to come up with you?" I whispered.

She just shook her head no, so I left it at that as she walked up to the podium, her perfectly straight index cards in her hand.

She took a deep breath and began, "Daddy was great man that left us here way too soon. I am grateful that I got to spend his last moments with him and everything before that. I cherish Daddy with all of my heart, and I already miss him so much." She swallowed and closed her eyes, "I remember in that moment right after he flat-lined and even after then just praying that this was all a bad dream, but it wasn't. Daddy was really gone. Daddy was a guy that you knew you could count on to be there when you needed him. I can't think of a time that somebody asked him for help, and then he said no. He just didn't do that. He was always there for you, even if you weren't always there for him. Even though my mother left with my little brother when I was younger, Daddy never let me feel like I wasn't loved or wanted. Every Saturday, we used to go out on Daddy/Daughter dates, and we'd have so much fun. I knew he loved and cherished me with everything he had in him. Daddy was always the first person I'd go to whenever I got news, whether it be good or bad, or when I needed help or advice or just needed to talk to someone. He always encouraged my love for science and discovery. I wasn't the little girl who wanted Barbies and baby dolls for Christmas; no, I was the little girl who wanted science experiment kits and microscopes. He went to all my science fairs, and he helped me on projects when I needed his help. Daddy loved to hunt and fish, and eventually, that love carried over in my heart. He was always passionate about everything he did. When we got the news that he had terminal cancer, we were devastated. He taught me to live life to it's fullest everyday and not to go through life carrying grudges. He taught me to never leave a person when either of you are angry without making up because you never know when that person is going to take their last breath. 'Life is a dash... it's up to you how many points there are in between' is what he always told me. He taught me how a man should treat a lady at all times, and he taught me to love with your whole heart among countless other things." She paused for a minute and took another deep breath, "Most importantly, Daddy showed me who Jesus was through everything, even in his last days. He constantly reminded me of who Jesus was through his everyday actions. And even though I don't understand why Daddy is gone, I have no doubt that God is still good and so is His plan. I have a guardian angel up in Heaven now that watches over me always. I love you, Daddy!"

Juliana walked back over to us and immediately grabbed my hand. Pastor Brad spoke a little more before dismissing everyone.

Aunt Grace had pulled me aside earlier and told me to keep Juliana busy after the funeral. She even gave me a wad of cash because Jules had hinted at how she wanted to go shopping before her party Saturday.


"You know that after we find me a dress, we have to find you something to match it." She said quickly walking towards the racks of dresses.

"Yeah... yeah..."

"Stop belly-aching." She whacked me in the stomach, and then she pulled a dress off the rack. "What do you think of this one?"

"It's nice."

"Do you like this one better?" She grabbed another one.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno."

"This one?"

"Eh, it's alright, I guess."

After Juliana grabbed about a billion more dresses off the rack, she went and found a dressing room to try them all on. I found a spot on the floor that was out of the way and just sat there.

The first dress she came out in, I hated. She looked like a huge disco-ball. "No way."

She went back in the dressing room and came out in another dress. "This the one?"

"Hell no. It barely covers your ass."

"But I love the top part of itttt..." She whined.

I shook my head. "Well, it's way way too short. I mean, how are ya planning on dancing in that thing?"

She laughed a little bit, "I'm just messing with ya." She stuck her tongue out at me. "I tried this one on purpose. I wanted to see if you were actually paying attention."

"I guessed I just proved to you that I am then."


She went back in the dressing room about twenty more times before she finally came out in an awesome dress. I loved it, and she did too. We finally had the dress. Now, we just had to find me something to wear, and then we could blow this joint!

"Okay, so, my dress is a kinda royal green, so we need that kinda color tie for you. Do you want a bow tie or regular?" She was looking through all the ties.

"I don't care..."

"Bow tie it is then." She tossed it in the cart. "Now, we need a shirt. You have your black suit, right?"

"Yeah..." I groaned.

"What color shirt? White?"


"Do you have a white shirt?"

"Yes, Jules. I got it when I got my suit."


The mall on a Friday evening was bad news. We finally checked out though and got back to Juliana's.

When we walked inside, Aunt Grace looked like she was about to jump out of her skin. She basically dragged Juliana into the living room, and she gave her an envelope. It was from MIT.

Juliana ripped it open and squealed. "I got in! Oh my gosh, I got in! And... they're offering me a scholarship! Oh my gosh!!!"

"Knew you would, ya smart cookie." I gave her a big hug.

"I'm so stinking proud of you!" Aunt Grace threw her arms around Jules. "You rock kiddo!"

She had me take a picture of her with her acceptance letter and then she posted it on Facebook.

Juliana Keating


I took that same picture and posted it on my own Facebook.

Super proud of my Jules! Got her acceptance to MIT! God blessed me with the best girl as a girlfriend— intelligent, beautiful, and most of all, Jesus loving. Love her so much! :D


Me: just got home. night. text/call me if you need me. don't care what time it is. love you. sweet dreams.

Jules: Glad you got home safe! And you know I will...tehehe. Love you, Wobbie!<3

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