Chapter 1

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Ok, hi, my name is Juanita. Though most people call me Nita or Juan nae nae (hehe) but this is a story that will have action, violence, and some moments that are not for the faint of heart. So if you are easily triggered by blood or mentions of death this isn't the story for you. Now, let's get onto the story.

Alright, let's start from the beginning. I was born in California. I had 2 very loving parents and I was the child they always wanted. When I was born, we moved into a small and cute, little house that was directly in front of a large forest. There were many rumors that went around the town that these woods were full of mythical beings and spirits. My parents didn't believe them, though. When I was around 2 or 3 years old, my parents were leaving to go sign some papers....divorce papers. But they didn't tell me that, they just told me they were going to the store and then the topic was dropped. They hired one of our neighbors to babysit me until they came back later that night. To put it simply, she sucked at her job. Once my parents left she plopped down on the couch and fell asleep immediately. I wanted to go out and explore the world, so I did. Since nobody locked the door, I was able to open it by standing on my tippy toes. As soon as I opened the door, I ran outside. I loved going outside. I was never really let out, only when we went to church but that was extremely rare. Once I was out, I went into the front yard and played in the driveway, having the time of my life. After about a half an hour, a van (cliché I know) pulled up in front of my house and a man stepped out. I was confused. He came up to me and I asked him, "Umm...who are you? Are you one of mommy and daddy's friends?" He just responded with a quick nod as he took a quick look around. He said to me with a small smirk, "Ya your mommy and daddy wanted me to come and pick you up so you could come and see them." My eyes sparkled with excitement when he said that. I nodded and he held my hand as he lead me to his van. Once he buckled me into the back seat with all three seat belts we were off to wherever my mommy and daddy were. I was starring out the window with excitement the whole time but when I saw where we stopped; I was confused. It was an abandoned hospital that sat on the outskirts of town. (Once again, cliché I know.)  When he got out and opened the door for me, I was reluctant to get out. I asked, "Where are we? I don't think my mom and dad are in there." After I said that his smile slowly fell as it turned into a scowl and he quickly grabbed me by my wrist and started to drag me to the broken, glass doors. His grip burned my wrist and I started to feel tears go down my cheeks from the pain. I told him to stop and that he was hurting me. When I said that my voice broke and I started to whimper. When he heard this he turned his head to look at me. Once he saw me, his eyes were filled with fake sorrow and sympathy, and he said, "Aww, I'm sorry. Here, want a piece of candy?" Once he said that he pulled out a KitKat and put it in front of me. I slowly nodded my head and took the candy bar. Once we were inside, about a good 15 minutes in, I was done with the KitKat, but something didn't feel right, I felt...tired and queasy like I was about to throw up. I was about to say something about it to the man but I was interrupted by 2 people talking to him but then nothing...darkness...I was drugged.


So this was the first chapter. I hope you liked it and I know it may seem boring now but just wait. And plz don't hate me for this, because like I said this is my first story on Wattpad. Also, it's almost summer for me and I'll be working on this more often so, ya.


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