Chapter 12

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(Nita's Dad's POV)

I have been up for a while now, working on these help wanted posters. What are they for, you may ask? Well, they are for people to babysit my little girl. You see, I have to work all day to keep this house. I don't want to do this, believe me, I don't, but I don't trust her alone after what happened last time I felt her alone. I don't want anything like that to happen again. After I am done with this last poster I'm gonna head to bed. When I finished the last help wanted poster I went to my room that was to the left of the workroom. I think you people should know that she has had this 'friend' of hers. I know that it's an imaginary friend but I don't want to tell her that. It would break her little heart. But ever since her mother told her that this friend isn't real, she has been isolating herself in her room. I've heard her now and then talking to this friend about stuff that she hasn't told me. Now I'm afraid that she doesn't trust me anymore. I can understand why she doesn't trust her mother, but why keep stuff from me? I've tried to do the best for her. I don't know what else to do. Well, I am going to bed. I'll think of something.

(Nita's POV)

I woke up with a jump. I had another nightmare. Mommy was there with the knife and she was chasing me into the woods and before she could get me, I was pulled to the side by a hand. I looked up to the owner of the hand and saw a shadow. It looked so familiar. He had glowing glasses and a big, crazy grin. He pulled out a small knife and started to bring it towards my throat. He then said," You aren't a human any longer." But before he could touch me with it, I was pulled back and lifted off the ground by the back of my shirt. When I stopped going up I looked down to see a black, endless pit below me. I was so scared. I was broken out of my fear-induced trance by someone clearing their throat. I looked up and saw 2 glowing blue eyes starring at me. But, when I looked around, there was more than one pair. They were just...starring. No, glaring Then, the thing that was holding me smiled and dropped me. But I woke up right after he dropped me. I woke up sobbing. The little girl was sleeping next to me but immediately woke up to the sound of my cries. She immediately hugged me and kept telling me that it was ok and that it was only a dream. I stopped crying and wiggled out of her grasp. "I'm ok now, come on I think I smell pancakes and bacon," I said with a fake smile. She looked back at me with a worried look but, jumped off the bed and walked out of the door with me anyways.


Thanks for 100 reads guys I'm really happy because of this XD heh. Well, this was the 12th chapter hope you liked it. See ya in the next chapter, bye-bye.


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