Chapter 21

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(Picture of that night, I know its crap

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(Picture of that night, I know its crap. I'll try to make a better one soon.)

(Author's POV)

The entire day was relatively normal. They watched a movie, ate some food, went outside and came back in when it was time for dinner. And after dinner, Diana and Nita went to bed. After Jetfire left and Tom went to bed, Nita was suffering from a nightmare. But this time it was different. Nita was in her room, sitting on her bed with Diana nowhere to be found. Nita soon felt the ground shake and she started to panic. She ran downstairs and saw her dad with a terrified expression on his face. She called out to him and started to run towards him but before she could get to him, something had burst through the front of the house. This made her fly back and she landed under the stairs. She sat up and looked up to see what had burst into the house and what she saw shook her to her very core. It was a monster made of metal. She sat there, too scared to even move. Then she saw it move toward where her father was buried under rubble. She immediately jumped up and tried to pull him away but as she tried to move the ruble that was on him, the thing stomped down onto where she was and crushed them. Then the nightmare cut to another one. She looked around and found herself in the woods. She tried to look for any sign of her house but all she was an endless row of trees. Then she heard a faint voice in the distance. It sounded familiar but she couldn't quite think of who it was or what it was saying. She ran over to where she heard the voice and started to recognize whose voice it was. It was Jetfire's. She started to scream out his name and ran faster towards it but just now started to feel the ground was shaking. Just like in the last dream. She slowed down when she realized this and started to panic. She looked around and found another giant metal monster. She then felt tears flow down her face as she started to back away from it. She then heard it call out her name and then heard it sprinting towards her. She bolted back to where she was originally and didn't stop. She woke up, again, screaming and crying.

(Nita's POV)

I bolted up on my bed crying. The was too real. I looked over to where Diana was and saw her already awake and looking at me with a serious expression. I tilted my head and said, "Diana...w-what are you doing up?" Because I noticed it was still dark out. She sighed and scooted closer to me and said, "Nita I need to talk to you, ok?" Ok, now I was really confused. "A-About what?" I asked, wiping away my tears. "I want to make a deal with you." She said in a whisper. "Ok...?" I said with confusion clearly in my voice. "Nita...I want to help you with your dreams and with your life decisions. But I can't always do that when I'm like this." She said gesturing to herself. "Diana...where is this going?" I asked. "Nita, I want to go in your mind and help you. But I can't do that without your permission." She said in a very stern voice. "How would that work? I don't know how to do that and plus, how are you going to do that?" I said slightly scared. I didn't know if it would hurt or if there were any things I should worry about. She sighed and continued. "Don't worry I know how to do this and it won't hurt. All you need to do is follow my instructions." I nodded and she smiled at me. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the bed and onto the floor. She then sat on the floor and ushered me to sit in front of her. I did. "Ok, grab onto my hands." She told me. I did as I was told and grabbed both of her hands. "Ok now repeat after me and in the middle of this you will need to summon your soul." She demanded. "How do I do that?" I asked and she explained to me how to do so. "Ok now follow my lead." I nodded and closed my eyes and copied her words.

(3rd person POV)

As soon as they closed their eyes Diana started to chant with Nita copying her every word. "I allow this soul to enter my mind and soul and I agree to all the consequences of doing so. As of now we will become one. I welcome you." In the middle of their chanting, both their souls became visible. Diana's soul was a red heart that had some sort of smoke coming off of it. Nita's was entirely different though. When she summoned hers it wasn't a heart. It was some sort of glowing blue crystal. It illuminated the room and got closer to Diana's soul. As soon as they were done with the ritual, the souls were connected and turned into a heart necklace and Diana was no longer there and Nita was unconscious on the ground with the necklace around her neck.


Sorry for not updating for a while but here's the 21st chapter I hope you liked it. Also thanks for so many reads ;3 Talk to ya in the next chapter, bye-bye.


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