Chapter 20

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(Jetfire's POV)

I was on my way to my new babysitting job again. I got up to the porch and knocked on the door. Tom opened it and let me in. He was about to leave but stopped near the door and turned to me. "Oh, by the way. Nita's still asleep. She hasn't had a good night sleep in a while, so you can make your self at home till she wakes up." He said before leaving. I nodded and went up to her room to check on her. When I opened the door and peaked in, I saw her with a calm look on her face and she had her teddy bear in her arms. Right next to her was Diana, wide awake. She looked over at me and gave me the usual death glare. I returned the glare and said, "Good morning to you too." She 'hmpft'ed at me and turned her head away from me. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to Nita. I ruffled her hair and she slowly started to wake up.

(Nita's POV)

I knew it. That night I didn't have any more nightmares. I was in the middle of a dream when I felt my hair being ruffled. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jetfire there with a small smile on his face, looking down at me. I gave a small smiled back and got up out of bed. "Mornin' sleeping beauty." He said to me as I made my way out of bed. I giggled and said, "You too." He smiled at me and made his way over to the door. "I'm gonna let you get dressed. When you're done, come downstairs, I'm going to make breakfast." He said with a smile as he closed the door and walked downstairs. "Ok," I said to no one in particular and went over to the closet and got on a red tank top and some navy blue short. I then put on my boot and walked out the door but noticed Diana was still on the bed. I stopped and said, "Are you coming?" She shook her head and said, "Your playing right into his hands, you know. He's going to end up hurting you and betraying you like everyone else." I shook my head and said, "I don't know, he didn't do anything yesterday. Maybe I was right and he's going to be nice." She rolled her eyes at my response and got off the bed and we both went downstairs.

(Diana's POV)

I was only trying to warn her because I knew something she didn't about him. If she won't listen to me then she'll just have to find out the hard way. I bet in a couple of weeks she'll find out and be devastated. This is why I did those things to the others. I'm only trying to protect her from them. Humans are monsters and same with his kind. They can't be trusted. Nobody can.

(Author's POV)

Nita and Diana went downstairs and into the dining room to the smell of WAFFLES!!!! (A/N I'm sorry I had to.) Jetfire was in the kitchen making chocolate waffles. They sat down at the table, waiting for him to finish cooking. Jetfire finished not long after they sat down and they ate in silence till it was broken by Nita saying, "So, guess what guys?" Jetfire looked up at her and nodded at her for her to continue. "I'm going to be going to school tomorrow." Diana flinched at her words and starred at Nita in shock and anger. "Wow, that's awesome! I hope you have fun," Jetfire said as he put their plates in the dishwasher. While he did so, Diana started to lecture Nita about her statement. "How could you do something like that?! Do you even know what school is like?! It has a lot of untrustworthy, terrible people that could hurt you and judge you!!" She screamed. Nita looked over at her and whispered, "It wasn't my choice though. Daddy is making me go." Diana's anger slowly drifted away and she sat back down in her seat. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to get him mad so I just went with it," Nita said staring down at her hands as she thought about all the people that will be there and what they might do. "I'll be there so don't fuss over it too much," Diana said in a much calmer voice. By then Jetfire had come in and waited for them to finish talking. "Hey, do you guys want to watch a movie?" Nita looked up at him and nodded and started to head over to the living room with Diana and Jetfire not too far behind.


Sorry, I haven't been updating for a while but I'm back now so yay. Also 170 reads, awesome!!! Thanks for reading Chapter 20 hope you guys enjoyed it, see ya in the next chapter, bye-bye.


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