Chapter 5

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I followed the raven haired boy all the way to an abandoned township.

"This is where you live?" I asked.

"Yes," he said and continued to walk. We entered and he led me to what seemed to be the biggest house there.

"Why are we here? This place is abandoned!" I told him.

"You don't think I know that. I live here because my family used to live here," he explained. Inside the house there was a lot of dust for someone living there and, not to mention, the only room that looked like someone used it was the kitchen. He walked up the stairs and came back down with a pair of pants.

"Here," he said as he handed the pants to me.

"Thank you," I took the pants. "Where can I change?"

"Follow me," he said. As we walked up the stairs, I happened to notice many things: many of the pictures had tears in them, it looked like a crime scene had accrued, and that there were many clothes that belonged to women in one of the bedrooms.

As I looked around wondering as to what happened in this house, I bumped into Sasuke.

"Sorry," I apologized. He was looking into a room with disgust, naturally, I looked in too. It was a room that was pretty large and had multiple swords and equipment in it.

"What's up with this room?" I asked him.

"None of your business. Don't go in this room."

"But why won't you tell me?" I insisted.

"I said it's none of your business. This is your bedroom," he said as he pointed to he room right next to the "forbidden" room. "Just please don't go in this room."

"Ok, I'm not trying to ruin my one chance of sleeping under a solid roof," I giggled and walked into my bedroom. He followed me in and stood at the doorway.

"You can do whatever you want with this room. I won't be needing it and I highly doubt I'll care about it," he said as he leaned against the doorway. "Since you're living here, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Yeah, shoot!" I said as I plopped on the bed.

"Well, for starters," he started as he sat need to me on the bed. "What's your full name again?"

"Sapphire Lovelock."

"Where are you from?"

"A town called Magnolia."

"And explain the rules of your old 'guild'?"

"We are wizards, not ninjas. A guild is a place where wizards come together and do jobs to earn money. There are many different types of magics and mages. There aren't many ranks except for a master, the leader of the guild, and S-class wizards. They take the harder jobs that are exclusive to them. They had to pass a test to become one, but besides that there aren't ranks."

"And what's your magic?"

"I'm a water dragon slayer."

"And that means..."

"My magic was taught to me by a dragon. She was a water dragon, I loved her so much. But she's missing or dead or something..." I haven't talked about Lela, my "mother" since I was asked by Sting and Rogue. Lela was kind and all, but she was very distant. I always loved her either way, my parents just left me with her, so I didn't have a choice one way or another.


"I want to see her again! It's like seeing your parents after a long vacation without them."

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