Side story: Levy pt. 3

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"Lu, now that you've calmed down, can you explain to me what happened?" Levy asked Lucy, who had finally stopped weeping. They both sat down on a rock outside of the cave.

"Kyouya gave me this bracelet and confessed officially to me," she held up her wrist to show her the bracelet, "I can see how much he had changed after I had arrived. He said that he had never been happier and he finally found someone that he deemed worthy to spend his entire life with. This entire time I thought he was kidding or just being a play boy, but maybe he was, but he had real feelings for me. I said yes, that I would be his girlfriend and the girl to be by his side. I kissed him and then I started to vanish. He held onto me tightly and I cried as I held onto him," she took a pause to wipe off her tears. "I loved him very much."

"I can tell. Everything will be alright. You're back and that's what matters. We have to get everyone else back now. Can you tell me something that was particularly, I don't know how to put it, odd?" Levy asked, hoping to get a clear answer with the mumble-jumble of sadness.

"Well," Lucy started, "before that whole thing happened, when I accepted the bracelet, Kyouya said he wouldn't need anything else in his life. He said his life was now complete."

"That's it!" Levy exclaimed and jumped up. She ran around the cave, smiling like a lunatic.

"What? What did Gajeel do now?" Lucy said with a little chuckle. She stood up as well and walked to her book. "What's this?'

"They're books of your story in the other world. It wrote itself whenever you did something that moved the narrative. It's been happening with everyone."

"Wait, I've seen this book before. Not this exact one, but it was a series in the school library. When I went with Haruhi to study, I saw this book. I didn't look through it but it looked exactly this. I remembered it so much because there was no listed author."

"Ok, but rest. I need to think. Do you want to go back to Magnolia? I can make Happy or Carla take you back."

"No, you can't be here by yourself."

"Just send Gajeel, I have to ask him a few questions either way."

"If you say so," Lucy mumbled as she slowly walked out the cave. She felt the refreshing, cold island breeze and took a deep breath.

Lucy couldn't believe she left him.

(Ouran High)

"Lucy! You look so pretty!" Honey said as he ran up to Lucy in his little tux. She smiled as she raised the small 17-year-old like a toddler.

"Thank you, Honey. I have to say, you and Uru-chan look amazing today as well," she said with a wide smile. Honey and his little bunny were wearing matching tuxes. "Mori, you look dashing as well."

Mori barely ever said a word to her, but she always tried to compliment him. He was always there for Honey and the rest of the club, she thought it was the least she could do. She thought he was just shy.

"Thank you, Lucy. You look amazing," he said in reply and took Honey out of her arms. Lucy stared at him baffled. Those were the only words he had ever said to her.

Today was the day of the school festival and was there was a particularly tense atmosphere in the air. There was a whole problem with Tamaki's mother that she couldn't even be bothered to pay attention to. She was living in the house and she still didn't know what was going on. But it was over, from what I knew. The festival was winding down and all that was left was the final dance of the evening, which was very close to starting.

"You know he likes you right?" Tamaki said, appearing from what seemed to be thin air.

"Mori? He doesn't. I sincerely don't think he has it in his DNA to like anyone," Lucy scoffed. She fixed her dress and took a seat in one of the chairs.

"He does. He's still a man regardless of how he acts. He has his urges like the rest of us."

"Never say that again. You know how I feel about dating one of you guys."

"What was that again? You can't date any of us because if it doesn't end well, you don't know what you'll do because of the sheer fact that you live with me. Do you have any idea as to how selfish that is?"

"What?" Lucy said as she looked at him so quickly she could've gotten whiplash.

"Kyouya and Mori are both practically in love with you and do you know what you do? Ignore both of their feelings in hopes that you still have a roof over your head?"

"Wait, that's not what I mean!" Lucy tried to interject.

"Lucy, I love you with my entire heart, but give them an answer. If I were them, I would feel as though you're wasting their time. I have to go, Haruhi is waiting for me," Tamaki left her in the room, but soon after, she left the room as well.

When she got down to the courtyard, the dance had already commenced. Haruhi was currently dancing with Honey and Kyouya was dancing with some girl. She walked onto the dance floor and Mori grabbed Lucy right away.

He took her to the center where she saw him smile for the first time since coming there, but she knew what she had to do.

"Mori," she started as she gripped the sleeve of his tux, "do you like me?"

He didn't say anything, but she got his answer from the way he blushed and looked away. She smiled and held his hand tightly.

"I'm sorry, but I can't match your feelings. I know i should've waited to tell you, but I didn't want to leave you in..." she stopped and looked at him. He was still smiling. He let her go and pushed her towards Kyouya.

"It's okay," he whispered.

Kyouya swooped in and took Lucy by the hand next.

"I have something to give you," he said as he took out a bracelet and put it on her wrist. "I'm sure you'll like it. I had to go all the way to Korea to have this made."

"It's gorgeous! Kyouya, you shouldn't have!" Lucy exclaimed as she stared at the bracelet. "Kyouya, I have something to say."

"If you're going to reject me, make it short and sweet," he smiled and spun her.

"Quite the opposite, thank you for everything you've done. And..."

"I love you too," he said as he leaned in for a kiss, but she was gone with the wind.

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