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Work couldn't have gone any slower; cleaning the Kitchen, mopping up blood, Room inspections and Tidying Dr. Ardens Laboratory.

Finally 5 O'clock came and you headed to the staff room to get you coat.
"[Y/N], good day?"
You jumped and scanned the dimly lit room to find Oliver sat in the corner reading.
"Yeah... Slow, but okay" You reply.
"Don't forget I'm picking you up at 7 Tonight." He gets up and walks out.
You put on your coat and walk out, get in a Taxi and go home to get changed.

-Time skip brought to you by Crazy=Genius-

7 O'clock finally came and someone Heavily Knocked on your door, you open it to find Oliver with a small box in his hand.
"Oliver!" You smiled and hugged him.
"I bought you a little something, I hope you don't mind."
"You really shouldn't have" You blushed slightly and looked down at your feet.
"Shall we go?" He held out his arm and you gave a small nod and happily took it. You got into his car and went to the nearest Diner.
"So [Y/N], anything interesting happen today?" He suddenly asked whilst sitting down.
"Apart from the frequent blood puddles I ended up mopping, no not really." You laughed.

Dinner went quickly, you mostly talked about work and how hard it can be even after 2 days, then Oliver asked a weird question.

"So, what are your thoughts on Bloody Face?"
You almost choked on your drink.

"W...well....He..uh.. Scary"
You couldn't get your words straight, you never expected Anyone to ask that ever, let alone over dinner.

Soon enough dinner was over and the bill had been payed.
"So, anywhere els you would like to go?" He said

"I'm tired so I'll get a taxi home"

"Nonsense, I'll drive you, after all there was a serial killer on the loose" he smiled and helped you into the car and drove back to your place.

You got out and hugged him.
"Thanks, tonight has been fun"

"No problem, I had a good time to, we should do it again some time"

"Yeah that would be nice" you hugged him again and went inside, you we're tired so you got changed and went to sleep dreading work in the morning.

I ____ You...   An Oliver Thredson X Reader Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now