Welcome to Briarcliff

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You step out the Taxi onto the pavement in front of Briarcliff.
It's your first day at work and you're Excited and Extremely nervous...
"Ah! You must be [Y/N].. I'm Sister Jude... welcome to Briarcliff"
"Umm T-thank you sister" you shook hands and followed her in.

Once inside a man walks up to you.
"Excuse me, may I take your Coat?"
"Oh, yes thank you"
"Oliver, nice to meet you"
"[Y/N] and you to"
You and Oliver shook hands, they were Oddly cold but soft.
"This way please [Y/N] To my office"
Sister Jude takes you up some stairs and along a corridor to a door with a Frosted Glass window.
"This is my office, please sit down and make yourself comfortable" she signals for you to go in and you do looking at her Cluttered desk whilst sitting down.

Sister Jude closes the door and sits down.
"Now I assume you're the Fill in for Frank, correct?"
"Okay your clothes are through there... I'll get Dr. Thredson to show you round the Building and grounds" Jude gets up and quickly walks out leaving you to get changed.

You are just putting you boots on when there is a knock at the door.
"Yes? Who is it?"
"[Y/N] it's Oliver Thredson. Can i come in?"
"Oh hi Oliver.. yes you can come in"
Just as Oliver walks in you feel your stomach tie itself in knots as he smiles at you while at making eye contact.
"Jude Asked me to show you around.. Shall we go now?"
He holds out his hand and you Gladly take it.
You quickly reply with a "mmhmm" and you both walk out the office starting your tour on the 2nd floor.

-Time skip brought to you by Death Of A Bachelor-

It's getting dark and you are just about to leave when someone taps you gently on the shoulder.
you quickly turn round and are met with Olivers Dark Brown eyes staring into your [E/C] ones
"Oliver! Y-you gave me quite the fright" you Laugh it off and earn a big grin from Oliver
"I know we only met this morning, but I was wondering if you'd go to dinner with me tomorrow night"
You grinned and put your coat on
"I'd love to"
"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 after work"
You hugged and went home as Oliver didn't finish work until 6 as you finished at 5.

you got home and got changed into something more Comfy, grabbed a Snack and went to bed as you were Exhausted. As soon as your head hit the pillow you fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about what could possibly happen tomorrow...

As far as you are concerned, Your first day at work was successful and you made a great first impression.

I ____ You...   An Oliver Thredson X Reader Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now