Mother Of All Nightmares

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It stood there in the corner, watching, learning, taking in your surroundings. You felt like you couldn't breathe, your chest was tight and you were starting to panic.

You tried screaming but nothing came out. You tried to move but you couldn't. There was a knife placed tauntingly next to you, wishing you could pick it up or run away.

It got closer and closer until it was leaning over you. The thing bent down and licked your face with its Slimy, Decaying tongue. You burst out crying but that just made it pull a horrific, menacing and gut wrenching smile.

In its mouth was about four rows of pointy teeth that were covered in blood. its breath smelt like a pile of rotting corpses. The eyes were a glassy, black-ish colour and the sight of its face made you want to gag.

"kill me already" you thought.

That's when the unthinkable happened. It opened its mouth a last time and let out the most ear piercing scream.

Suddenly you woke up screaming at the top of your lungs, making Oliver run in looking startled. You looked at him and started crying uncontrollably, mainly from relief that the nightmare was over. Little did you know that nightmare was only the beginning.

Maybe it was that new job at Briarcliff. Maybe it was Oliver and his 'hobby' that you were starting to get used too. All you knew is that you were falling hard for Oliver and you knew that you were about to hit a rock bottom, it was just the question of when and where.

// Yoo. This is a bit short and made at 3am but it's something I guess.

The reason I've been away: so I've been struggling with mental health lately so that's a thing. I've also been refining my Horror writing skills as it's something I really love. Well I hope you have enjoyed this little short part. I will try and publish more chapters.

baiii, thanks for waiting lol

I ____ You...   An Oliver Thredson X Reader Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now