The letter - pt.2

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It's late in the evening, you're sat in Oliver's favorite armchair and the lights are off. 


Oliver walked in the door and crept through the living-room quietly, as not to 'wake' you, with his shoes still on, which he knew annoyed you.

"honey, you're home!" you said joyfully from the corner of the room as you turned the light on revealing your, supposingly sexy and quite expensive, lingerie that hugs the body parts Oliver loves most. 

He whipped his head around, startled by your unexpected appearance and his jaw dropped.

"Well.. what's going on here?" He smirked a little as he said this, his eyes looking you up and down.

You stand up slowly and look up at him. "I've been waiting for you to come home. Darling" 

Slowly wrapping your arms around his neck you peck his lips softly and then walk off into the bedroom, signaling for him to follow you, hiding behind the door waiting to pounce on your prey.

Oliver walks into the bedroom, his belt already half way off, and looks around eagerly for you. Suddenly you jump onto his back making him fall onto the bed.

"[Y/N]!" he yells out as he falls with you on top, making a thud as his muscular and heavy body hit the bed. 

Smirking you pin him down and start kissing his neck all over neck, occasionally looking up at him and biting your lip. After this carries on for a little bit you notice he can't take anymore,  so that's when you make your move. Reaching behind, you pull out the letter that was tucked seamlessly into your panty waistline.

"Alright big man, who's 'M'!?" You wave the letter in front of his face. "And what did you do to her daughter. Don't tell me this is recent i thought you stopped!" Oliver could clearly see how upset you are and he stutters. "I don't know anyone by the name of  'M' and im not lying. I promise."

You take a deep breath, ready to shout but all that come out are choked whimpers and tears streaming down your face.

To Be Continued...

I ____ You...   An Oliver Thredson X Reader Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now